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betake Meaning in Bengali

 অবলম্বন করা

betake's Usage Examples:

persecutions, Johanan and Eleazar ben Shammua left Palestine, intending to betake themselves to Judah ben Bathyra in Nisibis; but they did not carry out their.

and all the people assemble daily in the church at time of cockcrow, and betake themselves to prayers, to psalms and to the reading of the Scriptures, according.

to forty, inclusive, is REQUIRED in the name of the Irish Republic, to betake himself instantly to the French Camp, to march in a mass against the common.

Forrester was thus obliged to betake himself north to Aberdeen, where Bishop Forbes placed him in the church.

In desperate cases it has to betake itself to the exhibition of Greenland pigs and other curious animals, charging.

Uzmi za me oku zlata Aj, pa pozlati dvoru vrata My darling, where do you betake yourself? Oh, why don't you lead me there too? Lead me to the čaršija Oh.

afterlife, as he is asked to lift them up by Horus: "You have come to N; betake yourself beneath him and lift him up, do not be far from him, (even) N,.

panegyric required completely puts to shame our limited powers, let us betake ourselves to that hymn which is not beyond our faculties, and boasting in.

and break off communication with Japan: Do thou, my son, come over and betake thyself to Pekche, and prevent it from communicating with Japan, while I.

Then they betake themselves to the Sea of Jurjan [Caspian Sea] and they alight on whichever.

sword in hand, and overthrowing such as opposed them, obliged the rest to betake themselves to flight.

Hermeneutics), I shall not harken to thee", or, "Turn from the Aggadah and betake thee to the laws affecting leprosy and the defilement of tents" (ואהלות.

one to point a moral, you had better lay down the book immediately and betake yourself to 'Sandford and Merton'.

Vitus' Day to betake themselves to that place.

the hospitals; the children shall turn linen into lint; the old men shall betake themselves to the public squares in order to arouse the courage of the warriors.

Although I did not want to betake myself there on this vain suggestion, the man from Dickesbach managed to.

door of a house warning the inmates, in the words of Oliver Cromwell, to betake themselves 'to Hell or Connaught'".

hospitals; the children shall turn old lint into linen; the old men shall betake themselves to the public squares in order to arouse the courage of the warriors.

of the capturing state, desire to remain with the latter's territory or betake themselves into another country.

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