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betel pepper Meaning in Bengali


পান মরিচ,

betel pepper's Usage Examples:

possessors: wuwu na lau 'the leaves of the (generic) betel pepper plant; particular betel pepper plant's leaf'; kapala na lalo 'the insides of (generic).

*pitaquR Calophyllum inophyllum *pudi banana, Musa cultivars *[pu-]pulu betel pepper, Piper betle *puna vine used for fish poison, probably Derris elliptica.

Bambusa spinosa? *kawayan 11263 PMP betel pepper Piper betle *bu-bulu 8466 PMP bracket fungus Polyporus spp.

nervous stimulant, which accounts, together with the essential oil of the betel pepper, for the eucphoric effects of chewing betel quid.

tradition and usually wrapped in a betel leaf (betel leaf comes from the betel pepper plant, Piper betle, which is not botanically related to the betel palm.

In addition, cabbages, cauliflowers, pomelos, peaches, betel pepper, niger seed and millet were introduced from Asia, Africa or Europe, while.

sarmentosum food Piperaceae ktɔ́ɔy pepper vine food Piperaceae plùu betel pepper Piper betle cultivated plant, food Piperaceae prí Théey pepper Piper.

One cognate set that can be reconstructed for betel pepper is Proto-Western Malayo-Polynesian *Rawed which became Proto-Philippine.


betel; Piper; genus Piper; pepper vine; Piper betel; true pepper;


natural object; conductor; insulator; immateriality; unbodied;

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