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betook Meaning in Bengali

 অবলম্বন করা, গ্রহণ করা,

betook's Usage Examples:

him ; but other persons fortunately appearing in sight, the assailants betook to the woods.

and Megaleas fled in alarm to Athens; and being refused refugee there, betook himself to Thebes.

Someshvara was defeated on land and betook himself to the sea.

He therefore betook himself to the reading of the holy scriptures, and in the midst of that.

In 1810 he betook himself to England, and his Hanoverian connection rendered it easy for him.

He was educated at University of St Andrews, and betook himself to the life of a country gentleman.

On the closing of the Varteg works in 1840, Bowman betook himself to study, graduated M.

having now decisively incurred the enmity of Sparta), and he therefore betook himself to Thebes, hoping to obtain, by corruption and intrigue, the banishment.

At Bjartmar's residence, she betook herself to sewing and embroidering like other girls, and was considered.

The chiefs of the oligarchical party were driven out from the city, and betook themselves partly to Ptolemy I Soter, king of Egypt, and partly to Thimbron.

Soon after he betook himself and his landscape factory (Prospektfabrik) to London, and there.

He left Jerusalem secretly and betook himself to his friends, who controlled the largest number of fortified places.

Muhammad Shaybani Khan was not able to hold his own in the steppes, he betook himself to Transoxiana, and became a retainer of one of Sultan Ahmed Mirza's.

alighting opposite one another on my visage, betook themselves to indecorous contention for the paltry consideration of my nose.

In his old age, his property was confiscated, and he betook himself to friends in Lismatigue.

Claude of Lorraine, was appanaged with the lordship of Guise in France and betook himself to the French court in search of his fortune.

August Strindberg describes Ystad like so: The little town to which I now betook myself lies in the extreme south of Sweden, on the seacoast.

They all betook themselves to the practices of Kshatriyas (warriors).

Alexandria, Marcellus from Ancyra, and Asclepas from Gaza; with them Paul betook himself to Rome and consulted Pope Julius I, who examined their cases severally.

achieved" betook himself to (his) mother, whose eyes were full of tears from joy, just as Krishna, when he had slain (his) enemies, betook himself to.

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