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betroth Meaning in Bengali

 বাগদান করা


বাগ্দান করা,

betroth's Usage Examples:

common in formal arranged marriages, and it was not uncommon for parents betrothing children to arrange marriages many years before the engaged couple were.

I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me In righteousness and justice, In lovingkindness and mercy; 20 I will betroth you to Me.

most of Halogaland, a province in northern Norway, and traveled south to betroth Lofthæna, daughter of Harald, a powerful ruler in the Oslofjjord.

terrorised by the title character—a malevolent fox spirit—who wishes to betroth the patriarch's son.

The Centaur Eurytion forced him to betroth his daughter, Mnesimache, to him.

Her father, Tywin, arranged the marriage after his attempt to betroth her to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, whom she idolized as a child, failed.

Arthur's father, King Henry VII, desires Catalina and refuses to betroth her to Harry.

neighbouring villages Heerewaarden and Zandwijk to the count of Guelders and to betroth his daughter Marie to the count's son, Reinoud.

not reply to a proposal of the Ecumenical Patriarch Nicholas Mystikos to betroth one of his daughters or sons to a progeny of Romanos I and sent his army.

sloth (US) /ʌθ/ as in nothing /əθ/ as in behemoth, mammoth /oʊð/ as in betroth /ɒð/ as in bother /ʌð/ as in another, brother, mother, other, smother The.

Rojalde was a wealthy mestizo to whom Don Nicanor wanted to betroth Danding, instead of Gatbuhay.

Around that time, It is illegimate to betroth or engage with a woman who is from the inferior rank(Sadol Kula was the.

A letter written by Nicholas Mystikos mentions negotiations to betroth the second daughter to Louis the Blind.

In 1707 Prince Louis Rudolph managed to betroth his daughter Elisabeth Christine to Charles VI of Habsburg and to get Charles'.

attributed to Nicholas Mystikos by Christian Settipani mentions negotiations to betroth the second daughter to Louis the Blind.

had already entered into negotiations with King William II of Sicily to betroth his son and heir with William's aunt Constance by 1184.

In addition, Philip II planned to betroth Diego to one of the daughters of John, Duke of Braganza and Catherine of.

" "One should never betroth himself to a woman without having seen her; one might subsequently discover.


vow; engage; affiance; plight;


unlock; bore; refrain; disengage; fire;

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