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bicuspidate Meaning in Bengali

দুই cusps বা পয়েন্ট থাকার (বিশেষ করে একটি পেষক দাঁত

bicuspidate's Usage Examples:

The lateral teeth of the radula are bicuspidate, while the marginal teeth are sharp and narrowly unicuspidate.

Central tooth of radula is bicuspidate, laterals are unicuspidate and marginals are tricuspidate.

39 in) long, strongly acute, and scabrous; its bicuspidate paleas exceed its lemmas by 1.

Bicuspid or bicuspidate.

recurve, recurvous cuspid- lance, point Latin cuspis, cuspidis bicuspid, bicuspidate, cusp, quadricuspid, tricuspid cut- hide, skin Latin cutis cutaneous.

incurve, recurvate, recurve, recurvous cuspis cuspid- tip bicuspid, bicuspidate, cusp, quadricuspid, tricuspid custos custod- guardian custodial, custodian.

bicuspidate's Meaning':

having two cusps or points (especially a molar tooth


angulate; angular; bicuspid;


rounded; round; pointless; cycloid;

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