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bigeye Meaning in Bengali



bigeye's Usage Examples:

The bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) is a species of true tuna of the genus Thunnus, belonging to the wider mackerel family Scombridae.

The bigeye thresher (Alopias superciliosus) is a species of thresher shark, family Alopiidae, found in temperate and tropical oceans worldwide.

The bigeye sand tiger (Odontaspis noronhai) is an extremely rare species of mackerel shark in the family Odontaspididae, with a possible worldwide distribution.

The bigeye houndshark (Iago omanensis) is a species of houndshark, belonging to the family Triakidae.

The bigeyed sixgill shark (Hexanchus nakamurai) is a cow shark of the family Hexanchidae.

Pacific off Baja California, and has previously been misidentified as the bigeye thresher.

The New Zealand bigeye (Pempheris adspersa) is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a sweeper from the family Pempheridae.

The Priacanthidae, the bigeyes, are a family of 18 species of marine ray-finned fishes.

The bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus), also known as the bigeye jack, great trevally, six-banded trevally and dusky jack, is a species of widespread.

Tunas (IATTC) in November 2010, the ISSF urged decision-makers to focus on bigeye tuna stocks rather than increasing the focus on bluefin tuna, another Atlantic.

The bigeye snapper (Lutjanus lutjanus), also known as the big-eye snapper, bigeye seaperch, red sea lined snapper, golden striped snapper, tropical snapper.

The bigeye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus) is an oceanic fish found in tropical regions around the globe.

from the Hawaiian ʻahi, a name also used there for the closely related bigeye tuna.

Heteropriacanthus, the glasseyes or glass bigeyes, are a genus of the bigeye family found in all tropical seas around the world.

commercial and recreational tuna fisheries are yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), bigeye (T.

The bigeye poacher (Bathyagonus pentacanthus, also known commonly as the bigeye starsnout or the bigeye starsnout poacher) is a fish in the family Agonidae.


Priacanthus; percoid; percoidean; genus Priacanthus; percoid fish;


soft-finned fish;

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