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billeted Meaning in Bengali


পূর্বনির্দিষ্ট বিশ্রামস্থান, দখলীকৃত বাসভবন, টিকিট, ক্ষুদ্র চিঠা, চিঠা,

billeted শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

টিকিটের কাউন্টার খুলে যায় যা জংশনের প্রধান টিকিট কাউন্টার থেকে অপারেট করা যায় ।

দুটো স্মার্ট কার্ড বুথ টিকিট কেনার জন্য আছে যা প্রধানত কম্পিউটারাইজ স্মার্ট ।

মিতালী এক্সপ্রেস ট্রেনের টিকিট কেনার জন্য আগে থেকেই বৈধ ভিসা এবং পাসপোর্ট প্রয়োজন হয় ।

যাত্রীদের রেল ভ্রমণের জন্য টিকিট স্টেশনের টিকিট ঘর থেকে প্রদান করা হয় ।

ই-টিকিট ছাড়াও যাত্রীরা আই-টিকিটও ।

ও অপ্রধান স্টেশনে টিকিট পরিষেবা সুলভ ।

২০০৩ সালে রেলওয়ে আইআরসিটিসি-র ওয়েবসাইটের মাধ্যমে অনলাইন টিকিট পরিষেবা চালু করেছে ।

কমপক্ষে একটি ট্র্যাক-সাইড প্ল্যাটফর্ম এবং একটি স্টেশন বিল্ডিং (ডিপো) থাকে, যা টিকিট বিক্রয় এবং বিশ্রামাগার মতো আনুষঙ্গিক পরিষেবা সরবরাহ করে ।

টিকিট বাংলাদেশের ঢাকার ক্যান্টনমেন্ট রেলওয়ে স্টেশন ।

উপযুক্ত এবং সঠিক কাগজপত্র সহকারে ঢাকার কমলাপুর কাউন্টারে উপস্থিত হয়ে টিকিট কেনা যায় ।

বর্তমানে কলকাতা শহরের বাইরে SBSTC-র তিনটি টিকিট কাউন্টার রয়েছে - বর্ধমান, দুর্গাপুর ও হলদিয়া ।

billeted's Usage Examples:

Soldiers are generally billeted in barracks or garrisons when not on combat duty, although in some armies.

This one tiny village billeted some of the US Air Service – precursor to today's great and mighty US Air.

Swatragh (from Irish: an Suaitreach, meaning 'billeted soldier') is a small village and townland in County Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

As of March 2020, Indianapolis is billeted to act in the mine countermeasures (MCM) role.

To save money, team members were billeted throughout the tour.

line officer in a command-oriented track will specialize, train, and be billeted into distinct surface, naval aviation, or subsurface warfare posts.

The screenplay concerns a Canadian soldier who is billeted with a British family for the Christmas holidays.

some eight miles east of the town of Vannes (where the Pathfinder crew billeted), and five miles off target.

"reception", with priority evacuees being moved from the major urban centres and billeted on the available private housing in more rural areas.

The mathematician and logician Alan Turing was billeted here during his time at Bletchley Park.

had three RAF wireless personnel (two were normally on duty) who were billeted with a landlady in Llannerch-y-Medd and attached to nearby RAF Valley.

tried to grow their native vegetables in the English gardens where they billeted, and an account of how a detachment of US paratroopers tricked the German.

young American aviators fighting for Britain during World War I who are billeted in a field next to a farmhouse in France.

In 1943 the 535th Automatic Weapons battalion of the US Army was billeted in the house and grounds while they prepared for D Day.

After the war, mustered out of the Polish Army, he was billeted and lived out the rest of his life at the Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland.

3 Embarkment Depot were based at Amberley, the airmen billeted at RAAF Station Archerfield and the officers at the Hotel Canberra in Brisbane.

British Army troops were billeted on French-owned farms outside Bougara in the Autumn of 1943.

surname, meaning "one who held land on condition of supplying food to those billeted on him by the chief"; "public victualler".


apprenticeship; premiership; episcopate; regency; generalcy; chieftaincy; cardinalship; proconsulship; controllership; chancellorship; editorship; situation; plum; speakership; admiralty; residency; rectorship; caliphate; senatorship; managership; post; teachership; chairmanship; marshalship; proconsulate; chaplainship; custodianship; directorship; lieutenancy; primateship; mayoralty; counselorship; magistracy; professorship; ambassadorship; secretaryship; place; studentship; deanship; counsellorship; thaneship; viziership; khanate; generalship; internship; line; womanhood; spot; stewardship; preceptorship; librarianship; job; praetorship; headship; commandery; councillorship; sainthood; legislatorship; protectorship; accountantship; chieftainship; business; wardenship; precentorship; pastorship; eldership; line of work; occupation; proctorship; judgeship; lectureship; moderatorship; chaplaincy; cadetship; rectorate; clerkship; baronetage; mastership; inspectorship; councilorship; seigneury; comptrollership; receivership; academicianship; presidentship; presidency; sinecure; rabbinate; wardership; position; berth; rulership; foremanship; hot seat; commandership; trusteeship; magistrature; curacy; legateship; viceroyship; seigniory; attorneyship; deanery; tribuneship; priorship; peasanthood; messiahship; throne; judicature; curatorship; consulship; office; bailiffship; captaincy; associateship; feudal lordship; governorship; prelature; overlordship; vice-presidency; incumbency; legation; emirate; fatherhood; treasurership; principalship; instructorship; prelacy; bishopry; pastorate; manhood; public office; chair; apostleship; discipleship; solicitorship; prefecture; captainship;


divest; dethrone; laity; nonhuman; human;

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