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binocularly Meaning in Bengali


দুই চক্ষুর উপযোগী, দ্বিদৃক্, দ্বিনেত্র,

binocularly শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

আলোক গ্রহণ,দ্বিনেত্র দৃষ্টি,কোন দৃশ্যমান বস্তু চিহ্নিতকরণ ও পৃথকীকরণ,একাধিক বস্তুর মধ্যবর্তী ।

এদের অক্ষিগোলক সামনের দিকে অগ্রসর থাকায় এরা দ্বিনেত্র দৃষ্টির অধিকারী ।

বর্ণনা দেন, যা প্রকৃতপক্ষে আধুনিক সংজ্ঞার অধিকতর নিকটবর্তী- এবং তাঁর দ্বিনেত্র ত্রটির বর্ণনা পানাম কর্তৃক ১৮৫৮ সালে পুনরাবৃত্তি করা হয় ।

binocularly's Usage Examples:

learned aspect of binocularly coordinated eye movements.

images occur monocular bilaterally (one eye open on both sides) and binocularly (both eyes open), differentiating it from ocular diplopia or polyopia.

monoculair viewing, this because the eyes and brain still process the image binocularly, as both images are produced by the same objective and do not differ.

perceived, relative to the observer, when seen with either eye alone or binocularly.

If the branch is narrow, a chameleon can observe a threat binocularly around the branch.

5 deg diameter that is viewed binocularly.

The binocularly perceived brightness is larger than the brightness seen by each individual.

Each fixation involves binocularly coordinated movements of the eyes to acquire the new target in three.

constraints, overlooked by Marr, in the production of 3D shape percepts from binocularly-viewed 3D objects has been demonstrated empirically for the case of 3D.

Then it approaches the prey, binocularly focusing intently on it.

(1990) Intracellular recordings from binocularly activated cells in the cats dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus Acta Neurobiol.

"Similarities in normal and binocularly rivalrous viewing".

a combination of these), is present while the person views a target binocularly, with no occlusion of either eye.

"Extension of Panum's fusional area in binocularly stabilized vision".

effect of perceived surface orientation on perceived surface albedo in binocularly viewed scenes".

Laser Blended Vision has been shown to provide better distance vision binocularly than with the dominant distance eye alone (neural summation).

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