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birefringent Meaning in Bengali

birefringent's Usage Examples:

These optically anisotropic materials are said to be birefringent (or birefractive).

A Lyot filter is made from one or more birefringent plates (usually quartz), with (in multi-plate filters) each plate being.

The polarization independent isolator is made of three parts, an input birefringent wedge (with its ordinary polarization direction vertical and its extraordinary.

conoscopic interference pattern or interference figure is a pattern of birefringent colours crossed by dark bands (or isogyres), which can be produced using.

polarisation of the light is changed (retardation) as it passes through birefringent tissue (cornea and RNFL).

Other linear polarizers exploit the birefringent properties of crystals such as quartz and calcite.

The YLF crystal (LiYF4) is naturally birefringent, and commonly used laser transitions occur at 1047 nm and 1053 nm.

These illumination techniques are most commonly used on birefringent samples where the polarized light interacts strongly with the sample.

The Wollaston prism consists of two orthogonal prisms of birefringent material—typically a uniaxial material such as calcite.

It consists of two birefringent wedges, one of which is movable, and another is fixed to a compensator.

rhomb is identical to that of a birefringent (doubly-refractive) quarter-wave plate, except that a simple birefringent plate gives the desired 90° separation.

Yttrium lithium fluoride (LiYF4, sometimes abbreviated YLF) is a birefringent crystal, typically doped with neodymium and used as a gain medium in solid-state.

Like the Wollaston prism, the Nomarski prism consists of two birefringent crystal wedges (e.

It is made from two prisms of a birefringent material such as calcite, which are cemented together.

\,} An ideal birefringent crystal transforms the polarization state of an electromagnetic wave without loss of wave energy.

It is birefringent, therefore rods made of it are usually rectangular.

phase and low-temperature β phase, abbreviated as BBO; both phases are birefringent, and BBO is a common nonlinear optical material.

Waveplates are constructed out of a birefringent material (such as quartz or mica, or even plastic), for which the index.

RBS uses the human eye's birefringent properties to identify the position of the fovea and the direction of.

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