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birthworts Meaning in Bengali

লতানে কুঁচন ফুল থাকার উদ্ভিদ কচি শিশু অনুরূপ দিয়েছিলেন; ইউরোপ নেটিভ; ন্যাচারাইজড গ্রেট ব্রিটেন ও পূর্ব উত্তর আমেরিকা

birthworts's Usage Examples:

phytochemicals commonly found in the flowering plant family Aristolochiaceae (birthworts).

flowers, inflorescences or stems resembling a pipe: Aristolochia species (birthworts or pipevines) from the Aristolochiaceae, particularly Aristolochia macrophylla.

Ophioglossaceae to Aristolochiaceae, ferns to birthworts.

There are a number of species of passion flowers (Passifloraceae), birthworts (Aristolochiaceae), bananas (Musaceae) and aroids (Araceae).

The caterpillars feed on birthworts (mainly (Aristolochia clematitis, Aristolochia rotunda, Aristolochia pistolochia.

birthworts's Meaning':

creeping plant having curving flowers thought to resemble fetuses; native to Europe; naturalized Great Britain and eastern North America

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