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bladder campion Meaning in Bengali


মূত্রাশয় Campion,

bladder campion's Usage Examples:

Silene vulgaris, the bladder campion or maidenstears, is a plant species of the genus Silene of the family Caryophyllaceae.

grassland with common grasses and wild flowers, including common vetch, bladder campion and common knapweed.

Flowers include wild basil, bladder campion, moschatel and bird's-foot-trefoil.

known in the US as bladder campion but should not be confused with Silene vulgaris, which is more generally called bladder campion.

field scabious, greater knapweed, St John's wort, wild marjoram and bladder campion.

One of the local vegetables is the bladder campion (Silene vulgaris) plant, known colloquially as collejas.

genetically adapted races of species such as thrift (Armeria maritima) and bladder campion (Silene uniflora).

In La Mancha, a much less fertile region, bladder campion (Silene vulgaris) leaves were used for the stew instead of the meat.

uniflora is a herbaceous perennial plant, similar in appearance to the bladder campion (Silene vulgaris) but with flowers generally solitary.

white campion Silene tomentosa, Gibraltar campion Silene vulgaris, bladder campion Silene stenophylla, narrow-leafed campion Silene villosa, desert campion.

In the nature reserve, there are plant species like bladder campion, harebell, Armeria maritima, sea kale, Glaux, Seriphidium maritimum.

– burnet saxifrage Rumex – sorrel Selinum – milk-parsley Silene – bladder campion Solidago – goldenrod Tanacetum – tansy Trifolium – red clover Vicia.

Species flowering later in the season include viper's bugloss, bladder campion, yarrow, evening primrose and a variety of asters.

oxytrope (Oxytropis maydelliana) Pink family (Caryophyllaceae) - Arctic bladder campion (Melandrium affine), knotted pearlwort (Sagina nodosa), moss campion.

(Campanula lyrata), peach-leaved bellflower (Campanula persicifolia), bladder campion (Silene vulgaris), leafy goosefoot (Chenopodium foliosum), nettle-leaved.

other genera, including mouse-ear hawkweed (Hieracium pilosella), bladder campion (Silene inflata), velvet bent (Agrostis canina), Caragana, smooth rupturewort.

Bird's-foot-trefoil, burdock, houseleek, chervil, forget-me-not, bugle, tutsan, bladder campion, pimpernel, strawberry, thyme 1588–1590  (6) End of the Roanoke Colony.

ragged robin Silene hitchguirei, mountain campion Silene latifolia, bladder campion Silene menziesii, Menzies' pink Silene noctiflora, night-flowering.

To procure a whiter fabric, the leaves of bladder campion (Silene venosa) were traditionally used to bleach the flax fibers.


silene; campion; Lychnis alba; catchfly; white campion; genus Silene; evening lychnis; Silene latifolia; white cockle;


outfield; inactivity; unpack;

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