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bleakly Meaning in Bengali


সারাংশ bleakly,

bleakly's Usage Examples:

Otherwise Engaged is a bleakly comic play by English playwright Simon Gray.

A natural landscape for Leigh's offbeat and bleakly humorous worldview.

So deeply, so bleakly.

could penetrate  Through all its purples to the final slate,  Persisting bleakly in an icy haze;  One might in turn become less diffident,  Out of such.

portrays a man in white make-up who guides the viewer through his life in a bleakly stylised world.

known as an experimental musician using effects to create emotive and bleakly atmospheric soundscapes.

visited the chapel in the early 1970s, Sir Nikolaus Pevsner described it as bleakly classical, ashlar, of three windows with narrower altar and lobby protections.

emergence in 2003 the band have (in their own words) "transformed from a bleakly romantic and quirksome pop group to their current incarnation as pioneers.

The New Year started bleakly.

"Rodney King review – Spike Lee's Netflix special is a bleakly poetic howl of rage".

physical desire and its all-conquering rage over pure love is written bleakly here.

inept bit of claptrap which sidled into the Gotham yesterday, is the bleakly amusing fact that most of the performers seem either bored or amused with.

“A solidly crafted thriller with links to classic film noir, though the bleakly beautiful Icelandic settings invest this tale of friendship and betrayal.

" Ken Barnes called it "bleakly philosophical" and "apocalyptic".

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