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blind person Meaning in Bengali




blind person শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তিনি অন্ধ লোকটির হাদীস বর্ণনা করেছেন ।

এরপর ১৯৫২ সালের দিকে তিনি পুরোপুরি অন্ধ হয়ে যান ।

অম্বিকার গর্ভের সন্তান ধৃতরাষ্ট্র অন্ধ হওয়ার ফলে, প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক হওয়ার পর পাণ্ডু রাজা হন ।

তার চোখ খুব খারাপ, চোখ থেকে চশমা খুলে ফেললে সে প্রায় অন্ধ; ফলে তার ক্লাসের বন্ধুরা তাকে কানাবাবা নামে ডাকে ।

তিন বছর বয়সে অন্ধ হয়ে যাবার পর বিশ বছর বয়সে তিনি অন্যান্য অন্ধ ব্যক্তিদেরকে শিক্ষা দিতে অগ্রসর হন ।

সেসময় তিনি অন্ধ এবং দরিদ্র ছিলেন ।

অশোকাবদান মতে অশোকের পুত্র এবং উত্তরাধিকারী কুনালকে অন্ধ করার জন্য তাকেই দায়ী করা হয় ।

কারাগার শ্রেষ্ঠ অ-পূর্ণদৈর্ঘ্য চলচ্চিত্র ধূসর যাত্রা শ্রেষ্ঠ অভিনেতা আলমগীর অন্ধ বিশ্বাস শ্রেষ্ঠ অভিনেত্রী ডলি জহুর শঙ্খনীল কারাগার সর্বাধিক পুরস্কার শঙ্খনীল ।

অন্ধ বা অন্ধত্ব কোন কিছুকে দেখার সক্ষমতাহীনতা বা অক্ষমতাকে বুঝায় ।

এরপর এক বছরের মধ্যে অন্ধ ও দৃষ্টি প্রতিবন্ধী ।

অন্ধ ফুলওয়ালীর জন্য রচিত প্রধান শীর্ষ গান, "লা ভায়োলেতেরা", স্প্যানিশ সুরকার ।

২০০৪ সালের তামিল চলচ্চিত্র 'পেরাড়াগান' এ এক অন্ধ নারীর চরিত্রে অভিনয় করে জ্যোতিকা প্রশংসা কুড়ান ।

অন্ধ ঋষি ঋষিকুমার দশরথ লীলা বনদেবীগণ (৪ জন) বনদেবতা শিকারীগণ (৩ জন) বিদূষক অন্ধ ঋষি তাঁর পুত্রকে পিপাসা নিবারণের জন্য ।

অপেক্ষা (১৯৮৭), ক্ষতিপূরণ (১৯৮৯), মরণের পরে (১৯৯০), পিতা মাতা সন্তান (১৯৯১), অন্ধ বিশ্বাস (১৯৯২), দেশপ্রেমিক (১৯৯৪) চলচ্চিত্রে অভিনয়ের জন্য শ্রেষ্ঠ অভিনেতা ।

প্রতিবন্ধীর সাথে সম্পর্ক স্থাপন বিষয়টিকেও খুব সাবধানে দেখানো হয়েছিল, "অন্ধ" এবং "দৃষ্টিশক্তিমান" জগতের মধ্যে সংবেদনশীলতা এবং উপলব্ধির ভিন্নতা, এই দুই ।

"হায়রে কপাল মন্দ চোখ থাকিতে অন্ধ" বাংলা ভাষায় রচিত একটি চলচ্চিত্র সংগীত ।

যিনি অন্ধত্ব বরণ করেছেনে, সমাজে তিনি অন্ধ নামে পরিচিত ।

১৯৯৩ সালে অন্ধ বিশ্বাস চলচ্চিত্র পরিচালনা করে অর্জন করেন বাংলাদেশ সরকার কর্তৃক প্রদত্ত জাতীয় ।

বিষয়বস্তু হল ব্যক্তিগত জীবনে রাজনৈতিক ইস্যুগুলির প্রভাব, অন্ধ জাতীয়তাবাদ ও নেতার প্রতি অন্ধ আনুগত্য এবং আদর্শবাদের কুৎসিত দিক ।

অন্ধ রাজা ধৃতরাষ্ট্রকে তিনিই যুদ্ধের সব বিবরণ বলেছিলেন ।

blind person's Usage Examples:

not be susceptible to movement at the mere touch of the finger that a blind person uses to observe their positions.

traveler was walking along the plains at night when a blind person approached.

This blind person had an eyeball on each palm of the hand, and these eyes.

14-year-old Angelo Mangieri from Jersey City, New Jersey, the first blind person to reach the finals.

language, the deaf-blind person may use the Tadoma method with one hand, to feel the speaker's face, and, at the same time, the deaf-blind person may use their.

As researched by Gardner, a blind person can recognize shapes in a non-visual way.

The spatial reasoning of the blind person allows them to translate tactile.

He is the first known blind person to be elected to the Minnesota Legislature.

developed for use as a visual aid, demonstrating its ability to allow a blind person to see his or her surroundings in polygonal and pixel form.

While on this journey she also became the first blind person to reach the summit of Wayna Picchu.

He is the first blind person to reach the summit of Mount Everest, on May 25, 2001.

Recovery from blindness is the phenomenon of a blind person gaining the ability to see, usually as a result of medical treatment.

Contreras Aponte is the first blind person to lead the Department of Transportation.

Street, where she was interviewed by Elmo and described to him how a blind person can learn to use other senses to adapt in the world.

Weihenmayer who suffers from a total visual impairment and he became the first blind person to reach the summit of Mount Everest in May 2001.

In 1999 Ifill became the first blind person to graduate from the University of the West Indies, gaining a degree.

with some degree of accessibility for the blind built in, permitting a blind person to walk up to any such computer and make some use of it immediately.

story, and much like a blind person must memorise their environment, the game tries to show how sound memory for a blind person feels.

He is the first totally blind person to be appointed to a full professorship in any subject at any university.

musher and cross country runner who in 2006 became the first legally blind person to complete the 1,049+ mile (1,600 km) Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race across.

According to Diderot’s essay, a blind person who is suddenly able to see for the first time does not immediately understand.

world in continuous operation, and the first in the world founded by a blind person, Edward Rushton, who was also an anti-slavery campaigner.


namesake; nude; physical body; dissident; coward; welcomer; quarter; second-rater; debitor; indigene; sneezer; significant other; muscle builder; contestant; match; expert; persona non grata; neglecter; human body; mailer; occultist; physique; adult; handicapped person; peer; unskilled person; straight; capitalist; sounding board; stranger; mutilator; beguiler; beard; Israelite; computer user; Pisces; sweater; baby buster; literate; saluter; advocator; ouster; pursuer; grownup; fighter; fastener; first-rater; mangler; worldling; affiant; topper; candidate; Jat; propositus; White; intellectual; crawler; malcontent; Sagittarius; material body; organism; homophile; smasher; habitant; powderer; sniffler; endomorph; roundhead; southpaw; bereaved; socialiser; withholder; Jew; adoptee; captor; visually impaired person; terror; fugitive; realist; watcher; belligerent; modifier; gem; discriminator; applied scientist; free agent; signer; monolingual; exponent; kink; nonperson; primitive person; reliever; Archer; baby boomer; appreciator; married; segregate; orphan; transexual; modern; gentile; applier; biter; dyslectic; quitter; face; rester; advocate; coddler; ruler; compeer; bather; self; thirster; winner; follower; nonworker; inhabitant; achiever; onanist; delayer; smotherer; groaner; tiger; dancer; vanisher; counterterrorist; anti; wanter; linguist; somebody; hope; aboriginal; miracle worker; Negroid; Crab; guesser; Fish; machine; fiduciary; huddler; allayer; disentangler; sniffer; ethnic; loose cannon; contriver; observer; mouse; friend; namer; urinator; liver; succeeder; posturer; rich person; outdoorsman; totemist; precursor; swayer; searcher; scholar; national; cloud seeder; cross-dresser; baulker; possessor; Black; male; ape; transfer; snuffer; compulsive; creator; authority; deviser; bullfighter; wuss; shaker; homunculus; person of colour; sensualist; survivor; emotional person; cashier; transvestite; homo; revenant; native; testator; witness; left-hander; suspect; battler; abstinent; supernumerary; autodidact; anomaly; red-header; man; money dealer; innocent; Aries; aborigine; doer; someone; party; debtor; dead person; unraveller; success; transsexual; drug user; struggler; mother hen; Leo; longer; Virgo; creditor; Aquarius; abstainer; subject; contemplative; squint-eye; adversary; partner; redheader; hoper; slobberer; creeper; amateur; walk-in; thrower; restrainer; weasel; masturbator; departed; percher; person of color; effecter; baldhead; money handler; asthmatic; indweller; soma; controller; free spirit; dieter; muscleman; abjurer; doubter; pansexual; slave; unwelcome person; public relations person; common person; imitator; male person; bad person; capturer; baby; archaist; adventurer; good person; ancient; yearner; neighbor; large person; six-footer; stooper; apprehender; nurser; yielder; percipient; cripple; female person; sort; introvert; copycat; unfortunate; measurer; wight; untier; gatekeeper; advisee; insured; blogger; socializer; enjoyer; shape; build; Black person; quester; skidder; dweller; misogamist; Hebrew; mixed-blood; gambler; cause; drooler; squirmer; saver; sport; collector; knower; Scorpion; picker; hater; life; mediocrity; aggregator; slider; social dancer; disputant; runaway; preserver; spousal equivalent; stigmatist; bod; double; heterosexual person; celebrater; rusher; venturer; sniveler; learner; demander; actor; interpreter; mover and shaker; chassis; balker; homosexual; denizen; relation; heterosexual; celebrator; sloucher; attempter; Elizabethan; resister; clumsy person; faddist; spurner; testate; deaf person; African; neighbour; scourge; frame; threat; middlebrow; rectifier; Capricorn; Slav; weight gainer; unraveler; lover; signatory; bodybuilder; assessee; surrenderer; Ram; transferee; blonde; domestic partner; polyglot; form; sphinx; personification; White person; gainer; ward; laugher; nonresident; noncompliant; forerunner; perceiver; riser; sentimentalist; Negro; dupe; brunette; equal; essayer; unfastener; complexifier; combatant; pisser; have; greeter; nonpartizan; brunet; deceased person; commoner; tyrant; communicator; chooser; closer; proponent; manipulator; Latin; repeater; passer; perspirer; shitter; sex symbol; Water Bearer; causal agent; Twin; waker; selector; tapper; good guy; muscle-builder; faller; protester; best; voider; forgiver; mortal; excuser; scrag; censor; experimenter; female; celebrant; nonparticipant; traveller; juvenile; acquirer; ectomorph; Virgin; scientist; Caucasian; user; spouse equivalent; beholder; doormat; granter; toucher; miracle man; skin and bones; arrogator; appointment; flesh; controversialist; individualist; optimist; Cancer; child; expectorator; acquaintance; jumper; admirer; blackamoor; decedent; rescuer; romper; third-rater; opponent; fleer; unfortunate person; Native American; eristic; visionary; defecator; spitter; being; survivalist; active; tagger; deliverer; tempter; opposer; Balance; Victorian; birth; antagonist; player; redhead; image; inexperienced person; man jack; snuffler; radical; ostrich; pussycat; relative; look-alike; registrant; righthander; baldpate; traveler; bedfellow; buster; aper; counter; turner; Scorpio; intellect; emulator; bereaved person; Goat; engineer; ejector; appointee; waiter; slipper; bluecoat; lefty; guinea pig; maimer; showman; leader; indigen; grunter; nondrinker; spoiler; pardoner; termer; divider; nonpartisan; nondescript; soul; substance abuser; abomination; Lion; needer; victim; bomber; gay; Gemini; undoer; abator; weakling; kneeler; wealthy person; dissenter; philosopher; winker; effector; right hander; causal agency; opener; blond; worker; people; freewheeler; wriggler; anatomy; religious person; yawner; primitive; warrior; entertainer; trier; individual; mestizo; seeder; planner; bad guy; simple; unusual person; chameleon; assimilator; nonsmoker; insured person; sex object; grinner; figure; lightning rod; dead soul; dribbler; driveller; junior; seeker; common man; objector; immune; literate person; comforter; scrapper; romanticist; outcaste; Amerindian; small person; color-blind person; wiggler; anti-American; charmer; musclebuilder; dresser; adjudicator; enrollee; prospect; technologist; nonreligious person; pamperer; jewel; Taurus; recoverer; carrottop; knocker; slayer; baldy; Bull; convert; mollycoddler; hugger; boomer; juvenile person; agnostic; mesomorph; stigmatic; extravert; owner; loved one; nude person; simpleton; applicant; gatherer; stifler; Libra; right-hander; smiler; personality; sleepyhead; deceased; explorer; straight person; chutzpanik; nonmember; unperson; sprawler; thin person; killer; ladino; neutral; squinter; degrader; differentiator; creature; case; extrovert; scratcher; toreador; personage; debaser; changer;


fat person; introvert; good guy; acquaintance; male; debtor; worker; adult; female; loser; juvenile; bad person; agonist; religious person; pessimist; creditor; partisan; leader; good person; nonreligious person; member; stranger; bad guy; withholder; unemotional person; resident; granter; extrovert; liberator; drinker; follower; smoker;

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