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blinds Meaning in Bengali

 অন্ধ করা, কানা করা, চক্ষু বান্ধান, অন্ধকার করা, অস্পষ্ট করা, লুকাইয়া রাখা, প্রতারিত করা, ফাঁকি দেত্তয়া,


যদ্দ্বারা কিছু গোপন করা হয়, আবরণ, ঠুলি, পাখি, খড়খড়ি, জানালার খড়খড়ি,


ফাঁকি দেত্তয়া, প্রতারিত করা, লুকাইয়া রাখা, অস্পষ্ট করা, অন্ধকার করা, চক্ষু বান্ধান, কানা করা, অন্ধ করা,


চোরা, একমুখো, গোঁয়ার, গোঁড়া, বেপরোয়া, দৃষ্টিশক্তিহীন, বিচারহীন, উদ্দেশ্যহীন, বিচারবুদ্ধিহীন, অদূরদর্শী, নিভৃত, অস্পষ্ট, অন্ধকার, কানা, কাণা, অচক্ষু, গুপ্ত, অন্ধ,

blinds's Usage Examples:

There are many different kinds of window blinds which use a variety of control systems.

In games with blinds, the first round of betting begins with the player to the left of the blinds.

Temporary blinds are common in protected and public areas where permanent fixture blinds are forbidden.

Many are tent-like "pop-up" blinds which are quick.

Although hides or hunting blinds were once built chiefly as hunting aids, they are now commonly found in.

The number of blinds is usually two, but it can range.

There are different types of blinds for different situations, such as deer blinds and duck blinds.

Ground blinds, tree stands, cocking-cloths, dugout blinds, and stand-alone structures are all used as blinds in hunting today.

All of these blinds are used.

Its principal business is making window blinds and coverings.

Sudare (簾 or すだれ) are screens or blinds.

In poker games that use blinds, a hand is considered a walkover (usually shortened to walk) when no other.

includes vertical blinds, venetian blinds, roller blinds, pleated blinds, roman blinds, wooden blinds, skylight blinds and Perfect Fit blinds.

chopping the blinds Ending a hand when all players have folded to the blinds with the blinds being returned to those who paid them.

It also has its own factory for curtains, blinds and accessories, based in Leicester.

Micro-blinds control the amount of light passing through in response to applied voltage.

The micro-blinds are composed of rolled thin metal blinds on glass.

"blind steal" (depending on whether the game being played uses antes or blinds).


protanopic; blue-blind; stone-blind; color-blind; visually impaired; deuteranopic; dim-sighted; unseeing; near-blind; eyeless; dazzled; snow-blinded; unsighted; green-blind; colour-blind; snow-blind; blindfold; visually challenged; purblind; blinded; sand-blind; tritanopic; red-blind; sightless; blindfolded;


hide; free; insecurity; inactivity; sighted;

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