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blockader Meaning in Bengali


অবরোধ, ঘেরাত্ত,


অবরোধ করা, ঘেরাত্ত করা,

blockader শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

৩২৩ খ্রিস্টপূর্বাব্দে মহান আলেকজান্ডার এই শহরকে ঘেরাত্ত ও দখল করে ।

blockader's Usage Examples:

However, on occasion, she was ordered to serve as a blockader and was provided with the necessary deck guns for that purpose.

turned her attention to USS Keystone State, firing several shells into the blockader.

A final prize came on 18 June 1863 when the vigilant blockader captured schooner Rebekah.

boat approached undetected until she was within 50 yards (46 m) of the blockader.

establish a near-legendary reputation for blockade running by leaving astern blockader USS Iroquois.

Sloop Florida fell prey to the vigilant blockader on 11 December.

An active blockader in the Gulf of Mexico, she shared in the capture of Major Barbour attempting.

Schooner Dixie fell prey to the vigilant blockader on 15 April, steamer Elizabeth then struck her colors on 29 May, and schooner.

— herself an erstwhile blockade runner now, following capture, turned blockader — spotted Aries off Bull's Bay, South Carolina, attempting to slip through.

off Wilmington, the vessel performed double duty as both a tug and a blockader.

Attached to Monticello, a blockader off North Carolina, he accompanied Lieutenant William B.

action, the determined Southerner continued her advance toward the fleeing blockader; but her consorts, the steam gunboat Equator and the tug Yadkin turned.

reports indicated that the ram CSS Atlanta was preparing to attack wooden blockader Cimarron, Du Pont ordered Weehawken, Captain John Rodgers, and Nahant.

The veteran blockader made two more captures in December 1863-January 1864, and later in 1864.

All the while, her duties as a blockader were discharged with skill and devotion.

Knowing the routes of the enemy will help the blockader choose where to blockade: for example, a high mountain pass or a strait.

into Mobile from Havana, Cuba, on 1 May but fell prey to this vigilant blockader.

A boarding party from Kansas rigged a towline to the prize, and the blockader towed her to Beaufort, North Carolina.

She served as a blockader and tender to steamers USS Port Royal and USS Somerset in St.

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