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bluffing Meaning in Bengali

 ভয় দেখান, প্রতারণা করা, প্রবঁচনা করা, বঁচনা করা, ঠকান, ফাঁকি দেত্তয়া, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা, ভয়প্রদর্শন করা, ধমক দেত্তয়া, ধাপ্পা দেত্তয়া, ধাপ্পাবাজি করা, ভাঁত্ততা দেত্তয়া,


ঘোড়ার চোখের ঠুলি, ঘোড়ার চক্ষুর ঠুলি, দম, জুয়াচুরি, খাড়া পাড়, শৈলশিরা, খাড়াই, ভাঁত্ততা, ধাপ্পা, বঁচনা, প্রবঁচনা, প্রতারণা, ধাপ্পাবাজি,


ভাঁত্ততা দেত্তয়া, ধাপ্পাবাজি করা, ধাপ্পা দেত্তয়া, ধমক দেত্তয়া, ভয়প্রদর্শন করা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা, ফাঁকি দেত্তয়া, ঠকান, বঁচনা করা, প্রবঁচনা করা, প্রতারণা করা, ভয় দেখান,


সোজা, স্পষ্টবাদী, কটু, কর্কশ, দারূণ, উত্তুঙ্গ, হঠাৎ, উঁচু, উঁচা, লম্বমান, খাড়া,

bluffing's Usage Examples:

Occasional bluffing disguises not just the hands a player is bluffing with, but also their legitimate hands that opponents may think they may be bluffing with.

Deimatic behaviour or startle display means any pattern of bluffing behaviour in an animal that lacks strong defences, such as suddenly displaying conspicuous.

If her opponent has a weak hand or is bluffing, Alice expects no further bets or calls from her opponent.

application of such methods as mathematical probability and game theory, bluffing, and other forms of psychological warfare.

an ironic, derogatory term to denote a poorly-organized, impromptu, or bluffing organization.

Mia is a simple dice game with a strong emphasis on bluffing and detecting bluff related to Liar's dice.

effective passing shot: hitting a fast return, hitting an angled ball, and bluffing.

Against observant opponents, the frequency of bluffing affects the effectiveness of slow playing, and vice versa.


"They're not bluffing.

They may believe the other side is either bluffing or acting unfairly and deserves to be "punished".

Mortensen is known for his loose play, bluffing tactics, and interesting chip-stacking style.

Hinkle won the bracelet by bluffing his hand of 10♦ 4♦ versus the A♣ K♥ of James Akenhead.

Four flushing refers to empty boasting or unsuccessful bluffing, and a four flusher is a person who makes empty boasts or bluffs when holding.

persuading their opponent(s) to cave in through skilful bidding (Bieten) and bluffing.

On the other hand, players with the pouilleux often have fun bluffing by highlighting a card from their deck to mislead whoever has to draw:.

memorizing three- and four-letter words to play Boggle and was skilled at bluffing.

There is no bluffing or other deception.




backward; cowardly;

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