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blurbs Meaning in Bengali

blurbs's Usage Examples:

The Grand Comics Database notes of the first and only issue, "No blurbs at the end of the stories in this issue indicate that there will be a Red.

inexpensively purchased "web songs," buy new CDs from the Lala store, leave blurbs on other members' pages, and participate in the community forums.

In the United States, there is no specific law against misleading movie blurbs, beyond existing regulation over false advertising.


were a TV Guide listing, complete with stylized channel numbers and little blurbs of content.

often portraying intentionally unusual or shocking imagery with no text blurbs.

endorsements such as the prologue by Arthur Loeb, and positive dust cover blurbs by U Thant and Arthur C.

It has cover blurbs by Karl Pribram, Francis Crick, and Carver Mead.

provided biographical details for Bachman, initially in the "about the author" blurbs in the early novels.

Dittman is known for his overwhelmingly positive and heavily quoted review blurbs, especially for widely panned movies.

adapts Baskerville for use in display contexts, such as headings and book blurbs, through the use of a low x-height and a range of unusual combined characters.

the June 2008 issue of Vanity Fair, and received notice for its effusive blurbs by Tom Wolfe, Dominick Dunne, and P.

thinly?" Gladwell, who said he did not know how many blurbs he had written, acknowledged, "The more blurbs you give, the lower the value of the blurb.


publicity; promotion; indorsement; promotional material; endorsement; packaging;


discouragement; demotion; disagreement; disapproval;

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