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booby hatch Meaning in Bengali


মানসিক ডিম পাড়া,

booby hatch's Usage Examples:

Booby trap and "booby hatch" are related terms.

ex-prostitute cum devout Catholic and aspiring saint (who later ends up in the booby hatch).

who had escaped from Colney Hatch Asylum (allegedly where the word "booby hatch" comes from).

When he persists, she threatens to send him to the "booby hatch" (the mental institution).

the good husband in the hope that Nancy will "snap" and return to the "booby hatch," leaving him in control of her "50 million estate.

booby hatch A raised framework or hood like covering over a small hatchway on a ship.


mental home; funny house; sanatorium; madhouse; funny farm; crazy house; cuckoo's nest; nut house; nuthouse; institution; mental hospital; psychiatric hospital; Bedlam; snake pit; mental institution; loony bin; insane asylum; asylum;



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