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botches Meaning in Bengali

 কলঙ্কচিহ্ন, ফুসকুড়ি, ব্রণ, বিশ্রী দাগ, যেমন তেমনভাবে লাগান তালি, জেবড়াভাবে নিষ্পন্ন কর্ম, ফোসকা, ফোড়া, স্ফোটক,

বিব্রতকর ভুল


স্ফোটক, ফোড়া, ফোসকা, জেবড়াভাবে নিষ্পন্ন কর্ম, যেমন তেমনভাবে লাগান তালি, বিশ্রী দাগ, ব্রণ, ফুসকুড়ি, কলঙ্কচিহ্ন,


তালগোল পাকান, যেমন তেমন করিয়া মেরামত করা, যেমন তেমন করিয়া তালি লাগান, বিশৃঙ্খল করিয়া ফেলা,

botches's Usage Examples:

Many botches are harmless, such as a wrestler simply flubbing a line or missing a cue.

Dorff plays a thief who, when he botches a robbery for his boss, is forced to steal an heirloom from a Russian penthouse.

Some results are botches again as used in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying and other Cortex Plus games.

techniques that are found decades later to be unsuitable or harmful, or simple botches by unskilled people.

A bumbling courier at a private adoption agency botches the delivery of a baby to its new parents in time for Christmas when he.

"LSU botches field goal snap, Florida immediately throws 98-yard touchdown".

This leads them to try and get Pierce to apologize, but when he botches the attempt, Shirley decides to leave the group herself.

There, Kay meets Julie Carver (Ann Miller), a fabulous vocalist whom Kay botches for the shipyard proprietor's little girl.

accidents of the same, with the certaine and absolute cure of the fevers, botches and carbuncles that raigne in these times.

Kalgoorlie, Australia - stunt man Ray Bauman botches a jump.

She botches a Public Service Announcement and gives a cynically complex message before.

But when the case is called, he botches it and Fowle is found guilty.

discovered it was his call that started the whole mess, shoots himself, but botches his suicide and survives with only a minor head wound.

that are not shoots include mistakes by wrestlers (these are known as botches) or matches where the wrestlers are good enough to not need to plan and.

Bampfylde botches the initial assault on the fortress and is driven back with heavy casualties.

his review for the San Francisco Chronicle, Peter Stack wrote "Rudolph botches the material big time.

The clone botches its mission at the zoo and the Megasoid gets away after informing the clone.

Brannigan botches the negotiations, and the Martians call up another dust storm, which engulfs.

partway toward realizing the full effect of a stage play as a film, then botches the job by the overabundant use of film techniques, which dismember what.

botches's Meaning':

an embarrassing mistake


fault; foul-up; slip; pratfall; snafu; flub; muff; fluff; solecism; bull; trip-up; boner; clanger; fumble; bobble; bloomer; bungle; stumble; misstep; gaucherie; error; spectacle; mistake; faux pas; boo-boo; fuckup; howler; blunder; blooper; trip; gaffe;


perfection; absolve; worthlessness; merit; irresponsibleness;

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