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boulder clay Meaning in Bengali


বোল্ডার কাদামাটি,

boulder clay's Usage Examples:

This is an ancient coppice with standards wood on boulder clay, and the ground flora is diverse with several rare species.

This ancient wood on poorly drained boulder clay has coppice trees of small-leaved lime and field maple with an understorey.

are found in some sedimentary rocks, such as coarse conglomerate and boulder clay.

This ancient wood on chalky boulder clay has a diverse ground flora with uncommon species such as wood spurge.

These wet meadows on poorly drained boulder clay have a rich variety of flora, and drainage ditches, areas of drier grassland.

This is an ancient coppice with standards wood mainly on boulder clay, with some areas of sandy soil.

The diverse ground flora is typical of Suffolk boulder clay soils.

Most of this ancient wood on boulder clay is hornbeam coppice with oak standards, but the wet valley bottom has.

of several ancient coppice with standards woods, some of which are on boulder clay and others on drier, acid soil.

This ancient coppice with standards wood on boulder clay has exceptionally diverse ground flora with several rare species.

This ancient coppice with standards wood is on sand and loess over boulder clay.

This ancient coppice wood on boulder clay is probably the last fragment of a much larger area of woodland.

This ancient wood on poorly drained chalky boulder clay has coppiced hornbeam, ash and hazel with oak standards.

This is a medieval coppice with standards wood on wet boulder clay, and it has very diverse ground flora, including species typical of ancient.

is composed of four ancient coppice with standards hornbeam woods on boulder clay, Shotesham Little Wood, Saxlingham Grove, Hempnall Little Wood and Winter’s.

This ancient wood on boulder clay is mainly coppice with standards, but there are some areas of high forest.

This is ancient coppice woodland on boulder clay, with variable quantities of sand and loess resulting in different soil.

This site is ecologically diverse boulder clay woodland, with a range of wildflowers, including oxlips and the uncommon.

airfield is unimproved grassland, with a rich variety of flora on chalky boulder clay.


till; dirt; soil;


cleanness; improved; clean;

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