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bowing Meaning in Bengali

 নম করা, আনত হত্তয়া, আনত করান, নমস্কার করা, প্রণত করান, প্রণত হত্তয়া, বশ্যতাস্বীকার করা, বশ্যতাস্বীকার করান, নোয়া, নোয়ান,

bowing's Usage Examples:

[sʊˈdʒuːd]), or sajdah (سجدة, pronounced [ˈsadʒda(tu)]), is the act of low bowing or prostration to God towards the qiblah (direction of the Kaaba at Mecca).

Therefore, namaste literally means "bowing to you".

which a girl or woman bends her knees while bowing her head.

It is the female equivalent of male bowing or genuflecting in Western cultures.

Britannica, says, "bowing can be traced as far back as the Islamic civilization of the 10th century .

it seems likely that the principle of bowing originated.

at me, "Kapleau-san, when you make prostrations in dokusan you are not bowing down before me but before your own Buddha-nature.

(Sanskrit, "obeisance, prostration or bowing forward") is a form of respectful or reverential salutation (or reverential bowing) before something, or another.

belt-low bowing in standardized prayers, where the backbone should be in rest, before straightening up to go for sujud (full earth-low bowing).

bandiness, bandy-leg, and tibia vara) is a varus deformity marked by (outward) bowing at the knee, which means that the lower leg is angled inward (medially).

is the act of deep respect shown by prostration, that is, kneeling and bowing so low as to have one's head touching the ground.

It is often referred to as "going down on one knee" or "bowing the knee".

players can exert stronger pressure when bowing near the frog than when bowing near the tip, due to the bowing hand's proximity to the bow's contact point.

the person places their palms together in a prayer-like fashion while bowing slightly.

or all the way up until the thumbs touching the tip of the nose, while bowing slightly.

The strathspey was originally conceived for the fiddle, using a peculiar bowing technique that would produce its characteristic "scotch-snap" rhythm; many.


genuflection; scraping; kotow; scrape; bow; genuflexion; motion; obeisance; reverence; gesture; salaam; kowtow;


moving; nonmoving; retreat; opening; closing;

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