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bowk Meaning in Bengali

 একপ্রকার গিঁট, একপ্রকার ফাঁস,


জুয়ার হিসারের খাতা, খতিয়ান, হিসাবনিকাশ, হিসাবের খাতা, জমাখরচের খাতা, জমাখরচ, নিবন্ধ, শাস্ত্রগ্রন্থ, প্রামাণিক গ্রন্থ, গ্রন্থাদির অধ্যায়, গ্রন্থাদির খণ্ড, পুঁথি, কেতাব, খাতা, গ্রন্থ, পুস্তক, বই,


টিকিট কাটা, টিকিট কেনা, লিপিবদ্ধ করা,

bowk's Usage Examples:

The miners digging out the shaft were lowered down in the bowk.

The bowk then removed the spoil as it was dug out, and the circular shaft was.

variety of odd sound effects including: Bing, bowg, boink, boing, boiiiiing, bowk, hah, haaah!, (tearing sound), (squashed sound), ohhhh, goooomph, ziiiing.

February 1895 four men lost their lives during the shaft sinking, when the bowk (large barrel) in which they were riding capsized, and they fell to the shaft.

2 South shaft in a bowk to replace some byats.

Vocalisation to /o/ often occurs before /k/, for example bowk (retch), howk (dig) often written boak and hoak in dialect writing.

garn twuk (I'm going to work) yam home, as in: as garn yam (I'm going home) bowk retch (as in before vomiting) bray beat (as in beat up someone) beal cry.

Perthshire is described as being derived from the Gaelic word boc or Welsh bowk, both meaning a buck or male deer.

endearment in this form) boak, boke to retch/vomit, vomit verb noun From Scots bowk.

bowk (retch), bowe (bow), howe (hollow), knowe (knoll), cowp (overturn), yowe.

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