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braggart Meaning in Bengali

 দম্ভপূর্ণ, অসার দম্ভকারী,


মিথ্যা বড়াইকারী, দমবাজ, দম্ভী, অসার দম্ভকারী,

braggart শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বললেন, “নিকুম্ভিলা যজ্ঞ সাঙ্গ করি, আরম্ভিলে/ যুদ্ধ দম্ভী মেঘনাদ, বিষম সঙ্কটে/ ঠেকিবে বৈদেহীনাথ, কহিনু তোমারে ।

braggart's Usage Examples:

father) and the miles gloriosus (the braggart soldier) are two types of alazṓn.

Miles Gloriosus (literally, "braggart-soldier", in Latin) is a stock character.

from Braggadocchio, the name of a braggart in Spenser's The Faerie Queene.

It is a composite of the word brag or braggart, and the Italian suffix -occio.

of the social classes, is realised with stock characters, such as the braggart soldier of Ancient Greek comedy, and the fop and the rake of English Restoration.

Neapolitan language, roughly analogous to or meaning thug, swaggerer, pimp, braggart, or ruffian.

The eirôn usually succeeded in bringing down his braggart opponent (the alazôn) by understating his own abilities.

few miles from Boston, it centers on Major Cornelius ("Con") Melody, a braggart, social climber, and victim of the American class system in 1828 Massachusetts.

He is often a braggart and a swaggerer who can maintain his claims only by benefit of the fact.

Four flusher can also refer to a welcher, piker, or braggart.

in popular speech (especially in the diminutive, compadrito) to mean "braggart, loud-mouth, bully.

exceptionally brave in the face of the enemy, a weakling when he was on his own, a braggart dressed in gold and feathers, continually escaping as by a miracle and.

as a panacea: One of our doctors, named Morisset, who is much more of a braggart than a skilful man.

article by National Review Online, Strong Bad was described as "a non-stop braggart, liar, manipulator, and egotist", but also "one of the coolest characters.

(the spoiled daughter of Mr Biffi Scala) and "El Tumiami de Luret" (the braggart from Loreto) During the 1960s Giovanni D'Anzi retired from the musical.

of the Milan bourgeoisie (nicknamed bauscia, a Milanese term meaning "braggart"), whereas Milan (nicknamed casciavid, meaning "screwdriver" in Lombard.


bragging; crowing; self-aggrandising; cock-a-hoop; proud; boastful; big; self-aggrandizing; braggy;


nonpregnant; stingy; small; little; humble;

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