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breech Meaning in Bengali

 বন্দুক ইত্যাদি আগ্নিযাত্রের পশ্চাত ভাগ


চোগা, আঁটো পাজামাবিশেষ, কিছুর পশ্চাদ্ভাগ,

breech's Usage Examples:

rear (breech) end of its barrel, as opposed to a muzzleloader, which loads ammunition via the front (muzzle).

Modern firearms are generally breech-loading.

breech baby.

Due to their higher than average rate of possible complications for the baby, breech births are generally considered higher risk.

In firearms terminology, an action is the functional mechanism of a breech-loading firearm that handles (loads, locks, fires, extracts and ejects) the.

A rifled breech loader (RBL) is an artillery piece which, unlike the smoothbore cannon and rifled muzzle loader (RML) which preceded it, has rifling in.

prevents the breech door and muzzle door from opening at the same time.

The submarine torpedo launch sequence is, in simplified form: Open the breech door in.

A breechblock (or breech block) is the part of the firearm action that closes the breech of a weapon (whether small arms or artillery) at the moment of.

loaders in favor of breech-loading designs in the late 1860s.

In the later part of the 19th century, rifles were generally single-shot, breech-loading guns,.

are sufficient to retard the opening of the breech until the projectile has left the barrel, and breech pressure has dropped to a safe level.

Remington Rolling Block is a family of breech-loading rifles that was produced from the mid-1860s into the early 20th century by E.

The rear opening of the chamber is the breech, and is sealed by the breechblock or the bolt.

in its general sense, stood for breech loading, and contrasted with muzzle loading.

The shell was loaded via the breech (i.

A breech-loading swivel gun was a particular type of swivel gun and a small breech-loading cannon invented in the 14th century.

This is the opposite of a breech-loading weapon or rifled breechloader (RBL), which is loaded from the breech-end of the barrel.

(forehead) brow (eyebrows) face chin breech presentation (buttocks or feet first): complete breech footling breech frank breech shoulder presentation: arm shoulder.

the barrel and breech, to differentiate it from other "3 inch" guns (1 cwt = 1 hundredweight = 112 lb (51 kg), hence the barrel and breech together weighed.

to unlock the bolt from the receiver, then pulled backward to open the breech and allowing any spent cartridge case to be extracted and ejected.


opening; rear of tube; breech closer; cask; barrel; breechblock; rear of barrel;


closing; finish; natural object;

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