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bribers Meaning in Bengali

 উত্কোচ দাতা,



bribers's Usage Examples:

) Bribers and recipients of bribery are likewise numerous although bribers have one common denominator and that is.

One of the three bribers subsequently died when the KNVB started the investigation in March 1959.

a sum of money; he allegedly did not accept and testified against the bribers in court.

(董庭蘭), and Dong thereafter often took bribes to influence Fang on the bribers' behalf.

1888 Republican National Convention a "howling mob composed of thieves, bribers, and bribe takers, scoundrels, and unprincipled persons who, if they had.

Tătărescu's faction "a gang of con artists, blackmailers, and well-known bribers".

which he called "a gang of con artists, blackmailers, and well-known bribers").

"thieves are traders who employ false weights and balances, gamblers, quacks, bribers of sabhyas, prostitutes, those who profess to arbitrate, those who manufacture.

Not one passionate editorial against the bribers and corruption in New York or at the GIA.

least 13 bribed voters were found (two more were offered bribes) and five bribers were named.


crook; suborner; felon; outlaw; criminal; malefactor;


allow; decriminalize; innocent; legal; right;

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