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bright Meaning in Bengali



গৌরবময়, খোলতা, জ্যোত্শ্মান্, জ্যোতির্ময়, আলোময়, শুক্ল, অত্যুগ্র, সম্ভাবনাপূর্ণ, সুখপূর্ণ, আনন্দময়, বুদ্ধিমান, সুন্দর, স্পষ্ট, অম্লান, শুভ্র, অমলিন, ফরসা, চিক্কণ, প্রফুল্লিত, প্রফুল্ল, টকটকে, তক্তকে, চকচক, রগরগে, অত্যুজ্বল, দীপ্ত, সিত, উজ্জ্বল,

bright's Usage Examples:

that is visible to the human eye from Earth would appear larger, but no brighter, from close by.

The Orion Nebula, the brightest nebula in the sky and occupying.

exceptionally bright.

There is no official definition; often the term is attached to comets such as Halley's Comet, which during certain appearances are bright enough.

Not particularly bright but very street-wise, Gina is a caring but over-protective and domineering.

2015, the secondary bright spot was revealed to actually be a group of scattered bright areas, possibly as many as ten.

These bright features have an albedo.

Any exact order of the visual brightness of stars is not perfectly defined for four reasons: Stellar brightness is traditionally based on the apparent.

Front vowels are sometimes also called bright vowels because they are perceived as sounding brighter than the back vowels.

Charles Wheatstone reported that different metals could be distinguished by bright lines in the emission spectra of their sparks, thereby introducing an alternative.

Another often-used measure is percentage ratio of recorded bright sunshine duration and daylight duration in the observed period.

At right is displayed the color bright turquoise.


scintillant; lurid; shimmery; brightness level; bright as a new penny; buttonlike; silvern; glistening; beaming; glimmery; lambent; pearlescent; shiny; dazzling; nitid; buttony; luminance; blinding; coruscant; twinkling; glittery; scintillating; self-luminous; beadlike; lucent; ardent; glary; silky; fulgent; opaline; refulgent; brightness; aglitter; silken; sparkly; glistering; light; lustrous; sheeny; luminosity; satiny; glinting; shining; glittering; slick; radiant; silvery; beamy; luminous; sleek; nacreous; agleam; glaring; aglow; effulgent; silklike; silver; glossy; fulgid; iridescent; gleaming; luminousness; opalescent; brilliant; blazing; beady; noctilucent;


insulator; discolor; unattractive; unglazed; dull;

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