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bristle at Meaning in Bengali


এ bristle,

bristle at's Usage Examples:

Many schools bristle at the party school label, and the lists have been condemned by groups such.

perenne in its spikelet, which has a long bristle at the top, and its stem, which is round rather than folded.

Cephalium is a frequently brightly coloured structure of wool and bristle at the growing tip of certain cacti.

"Some Orthodox Jews bristle at NYC's response to virus surge".

"A space for us; WorldCon science-fiction conventioneers bristle at the geeky stereotype".

At a meeting, intelligence officials bristle at their lack of access to Keane, while Carrie tries to assure them that.

multiflorum, differs in the fact that each scale in the spikelet has a long bristle at the top.

The margins vary, usually being smooth to shallowly lobed, with a bristle at the apex and lobe tips.

pseudoarchaeology, both young-earth creationists and cryptozoologists bristle at the rejection of mainstream secular science and lament a seeming conspiracy.

"Mariana officials bristle at US military's live-fire plans for Pagan, Tinian".

a bit resistant to outsiders and staunchly self-reliant, Rutlanders bristle at the pejorative moniker and its attendant connotations.

"Many MacArthur recipients bristle at 'genius' label; Former winners see that categorization as a bit of a burden".

to the plight of those who are victims of hate crimes by white people, bristle at the notion that hate crimes against whites are somehow inferior to, and.

A lot of scientists bristle at that.

Protagoras begins to bristle at this and replies that his answers are as long as they need to be, while.

and Soul Train evolved into a tradition in its own right, he tended to bristle at the Bandstand comparisons.


bridle up; mind; bridle at; bristle up;


neglect; forget; stupidity; nonintellectual; intellectual;

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