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brokenly Meaning in Bengali


এবড়ো-খেবড়ো, চূর্ণ, চূর্ণিত, ক্ষত, খণ্ডিত, বিদীর্ণ, ছিন্নভিন্ন, ভিন্ন, অশক্ত, দমিত, প্রশমিত, বিশৃঙ্খল করা হইয়াছে এমন, গতিপরিবর্তক, দেউলিয়া, বন্ধুর, টুটা, বিচ্ছিন্ন, ভাঙ্গা, ভগ্ন, ভাঙা,

brokenly শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এই ভৌত প্রক্রিয়াটি ভিন্ন

সংস্কৃত এবং হিন্দী ভাষায় দলিত শব্দের অর্থ হচ্ছে "ভগ্ন" বা "ছিন্নভিন্ন" ।

কোনো ধরনের অযৌন রেণু বা জনন কোষ সৃষ্টি না করে দেহের অংশ খণ্ডিত হয়ে বা কোনো অঙ্গ রূপান্তরিত হয়ে যে জনন ঘটে তাকে অঙ্গজ জনন বলে ।

করে অ্যান্টার্কটিকা মহাদেশের বিভিন্ন উপকূলীয় অঞ্চলে ।

brokenly's Usage Examples:

The reniform is brokenly outlined in black and the outer line is thick and oblique from the costa.

stunned and sorrowful, leading Peter to ask her what was wrong and her to brokenly tell him what had happened to Lucy Knight.

do that? How could you think o' such a thing?, whereupon Rose cries out brokenly: "I was so ashamed!" In Bernd's cottage, Keil tells him: "Father, you'll.

However, Raja heart-brokenly informs his decision to Shanthi.

However, in one night they lose him in the jungle and heart-brokenly return to Moscow.

that he and McGee deliberately allowed themselves to be captured, she brokenly responds that they should not have put their lives and wellbeing at stake.

of his life, he could neither read nor write Russian and spoke it only brokenly.

books in Yiddish, as he had no written English and spoke the language brokenly.

post first cut halfway through the car, near the driver’s seat, then fell brokenly on top of Schell’s car; the car in flames, Schell jumped out just before.

solid, promise /ʌ/ /oʊ/ won, monkey, front gross, comb, wonted, both brokenly, probity, diplomacy meiosis, aerobic /uː/ tomb, womb /ʊ/ wolf /wʌ/ once.

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