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burlesquing Meaning in Bengali

burlesquing's Usage Examples:

Usually attired in black Spanish dress and burlesquing a Don, he was often beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice.

host by announcer Jack McCarthy and then by the very man the series was burlesquing, Milton Cross.

With the burlesquing of these programs throughout the 1930s to attract sophisticated audiences.

It is good burlesquing all the way, and the cartoon work of Walt Disney is clever in the extreme.

thriller meller staged on Broadway and impressing as a pointless souffle burlesquing them all" concluding that the film was "a one hundred percent lemon.

In 1910, he started Desperate Desmond, a humorous continuity strip burlesquing melodramas, dime novels, and fiction weeklies that went in for the hairbreadth.

Salvationists by following them about everywhere, by beating a drum and burlesquing their songs, to render the conduct of their processions and services.

Gottlieb's trademark on stage was a burlesquing of the university pedant, the sort of teacher who knocks himself out.

It is a gay interlude burlesquing a lecture in philosophy, the whole piece being an argument to support.

From the 1850s onwards, burlesquing of Italian, French and, later in the century, German opera was popular.

these three episodes, but it is possible that the author of Culhwch was burlesquing Pa gur.

The series, burlesquing stuffy symphonic and operatic broadcasts, had the host (always introduced.

these horror works, in Dosukoi Series, because these novels are comedies burlesquing other Japanese novels, the covers always represent funny fat sumo wrestlers.

entertainment for troops stationed in France described a soldier in drag burlesquing feminine flirtatiousness while wearing "short skirts, a hat of Parisian.

Universal may have a gold mine in this contemplated series of short subjects burlesquing old-time films.

and delivers his lines in such an unctuous tone that he comes near to burlesquing the role.

trouble? If he cannot tell when I am writing seriously and when I am burlesquing - if he sits down solemnly and take one of my palpable burlesques and.

extravaganza which included extracts from an imaginary Viking poem, "burlesquing the recent parodies, good, bad, and indifferent, on The Song of Hiawatha.


charade; lampoon; mockery; caricature; put-on; pasquinade; imitation; parody; travesty; sendup; takeoff; impersonation; spoof;


genuine; natural; formalism; tragedy; fall;

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