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bursary Meaning in Bengali



কলেজের কোষাধ্যক্ষের দপ্তর,

bursary's Usage Examples:

A bursary is a monetary award made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or groups.

receive a bursary from the government to support them during their nurse training.

Diploma students in England receive a non-means-tested bursary of around.

An exhibition is a type of scholarship award or bursary.

"Purse" can also be a synonym to bursary (which has the same origin), i.

In 1903, the Society created the Macleay bursary, which has since helped many students of the University of Sydney to continue.

de Rome bursary for residence at the Villa Médicis and the defunct Prix Abd-el-Tif bursary for residence at the Villa Abd-el-Tif, bursaries are awarded.

Flandrin had won France's Prix de Rome in 1832, a bursary which provided the winner with a trip to Rome to concentrate on their vocation.

written by the five Pearson Playwrights' Scheme bursary winners from the previous year.

Catherine won a bursary from the scheme in 1991.

The winner receives a £1,000 bursary and training opportunities with elite athletes.


exchequer; treasury;

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