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bushbaby Meaning in Bengali

ঘন পশমী পশম এবং বৃহৎ চোখ ও কান দিয়ে চঞ্চল দীর্ঘ-টেইলড নিশাচর আফ্রিকান লেমুর

bushbaby's Usage Examples:

bushbaby, P.

granti Malawi bushbaby, P.

nyasae Zanzibar bushbaby, P.

zanzibaricus Paragalago orinus group Uluguru bushbaby, P.

orinus Rondo bushbaby,.

Prince Demidoff's bushbaby (Galagoides demidovii), also known as Prince Demidoff's galago, is a species of primate in the family Galagidae.

needle-clawed bushbaby, E.

elegantulus Northern needle-clawed bushbaby, E.

talboti Unique to the needle-clawed bushbaby are the.

The northern needle-clawed bushbaby (Euoticus pallidus) is a species of strepsirrhine primate in the family Galagidae.

The Mohol bushbaby (Galago moholi) is a species of primate in the family Galagidae which is native to mesic woodlands of the southern Afrotropics.

The Senegal bushbaby (Galago senegalensis), also known as the Senegal galago, the lesser galago or the lesser bush baby, is a small, nocturnal primate.

The Zanzibar bushbaby, Matundu dwarf galago, Udzungwa bushbaby, or Zanzibar galago (Paragalago zanzibaricus) is a primate of the family Galagidae.

Prince Demidoff's bushbaby — Gs.

kumbirensis Thomas's bushbaby — Gs.

Thomas's bushbaby (Galagoides thomasi) is a species of primate in the family Galagidae.

The Gabon bushbaby (Sciurocheirus gabonensis) is a species of primate in the family Galagidae found in Cameroon, Gabon, and the Republic of the Congo.

The dusky bushbaby (Galago matschiei) is a species of primate in the family Galagidae.

The Rondo dwarf galago (Paragalago rondoensis) or Rondo bushbaby is a species of primate in the family Galagidae.

The southern needle-clawed bushbaby (Euoticus elegantulus) is a species of strepsirrhine primate in the family Galagidae.

Grant's bushbaby (Paragalago granti), also known as Grant's lesser bushbaby or the Mozambique lesser bushbaby, is a species of primate in the family Galagidae.

Bioko Allen's bushbaby (Sciurocheirus alleni) is a species of primate in the family Galagidae found in Bioko, Equatorial Guinea.

The Cross River bushbaby, also known as the Cross River squirrel galago, (Sciurocheirus cameronensis) is a species of prosimian primate in the family Galagidae.

The Malawi bushbaby (Paragalago nyasae) is a species of primate in the family Galagidae.

The Somali bushbaby (Galago gallarum), or the Somali lesser galago, as it is also known, is a species of nocturnal, arboreal primate in the family Galagidae.

group: Somali bushbaby (G.

gallarum) Mohol bushbaby (G.

moholi) Senegal bushbaby (G.

matschiei group: Dusky bushbaby (G.

bushbaby's Meaning':

agile long-tailed nocturnal African lemur with dense woolly fur and large eyes and ears

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