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busily Meaning in Bengali

 ব্যস্তভাবে, ব্যস্ততাসহকারে, তত্পরতাসহকারে,


তত্পরতাসহকারে, ব্যস্ততাসহকারে,

busily শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বাছাই করা কোন সংখ্যা n এর মৌলিক হবার সম্ভাবনা তার অঙ্কসমূহের সংখ্যার সাথে ব্যস্তভাবে সম্পর্কিত, অথবা n এর লগারিদমের সাথে সম্পর্কিত ।

অন্তঃক্ষরা কোষগুলি যেন "ব্যস্তভাবে নিজেদের হরমোন উৎপাদন করে যাচ্ছে এবং আশেপাশের অন্যান্য অগ্ন্যাশয় কোষগুলিকে ।

busily's Usage Examples:

In one corner of the market, busily tying up their bunches, were three or four girls, seated on the stones,.

As the Minister of Culture, Oraboun busily attends a diversity of events and inaugurations across Laos, ranging from.

On April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic station MGY, busily delivering telegram traffic from ship's passengers to the coastal station.

of Shapur II, he came to Constantinople, but found Emperor Arcadius too busily engaged in the affairs about the exile of St.

a result of the post-World War I housing boom, Huntington's office was busily involved in building homes in the University Hill area of Boulder and it.

Fourre is abused and his legacy is claimed by one of the militant factions busily working to shatter it again.

A printing press was kept busily employed, which, in the year 1888 alone, issued 14,000 pages of Christian.

was on standby at Fort Bliss, Grau and other German aerospace engineers busily launched V-2s for U.

In 1863 he settled in London, and from that time onward was busily engaged with portraiture, which he varied with landscapes and genre subjects.

again in the Russian capital, clamoring for attention from the Empress and busily intriguing with Elizabeth of Holstein (Catherine II's mother) and Lestocq.

and democracy” The party also had a vice president called Sok Dyvathann busily “recruiting members” and “organizing the party structure.

These are for the most part under the care of well-dressed women, who are busily employed in work, although many are served by young men called apprentices.

compositions for the mandolin, and then returned to Paris, where he was busily engaged as a teacher of his instruments.

murder, Jim Lindsey, the star reporter of the American Express paper, is busily bidding on oriental rugs at an auction and consequently misses the story.

jobs, from teacher and government official to journalist and bookseller, busily writing all the time both for the theatre and the magazines of North and.

Among the rapt or fearful listeners are people busily throwing books into a fire.

He was an amiable man with a large circle of friends and was still busily following his interests into his sixties.

Meanwhile, an Observer journalist called the album "busily eclectic but.

Yolande accepts with delight and busily prepares for the move, however Patrick is less keen, and when confronted.

which could not have been prevented, for our people were at the moment so busily employed in working the vessel through a dangerous navigation that the unfortunate.

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