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bustards Meaning in Bengali


দ্রুতধাবনক্ষম বৃহত্কায় পক্ষিবিশেষ,

bustards শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বিপন্ন মহান ভারতীয় দ্রুতধাবনক্ষম বৃহত্কায় পক্ষিবিশেষ একটি মহৎ পাখি তুলনামূলকভাবে ন্যায্য সংখ্যায় পাওয়া যায় ।

bustards's Usage Examples:

Musophagiformes (turacos), and Otidiformes (bustards) identified in 2014 by genome analysis.

While the bustards seem to be related to the turacos, other.

male bustards in Great Britain weighed an average of 13.

Average weight of males is almost an exact match to that of male Kori bustards.

This species, like most bustards, is a ground-dwelling bird and an opportunistic omnivore.

Male kori bustards, which can be more than twice as.

Eurypygimorphae (sunbittern, kagu and tropicbirds) Otidimorphae (turacos, bustards and cuckoos) Strisores (nightjars, swifts, hummingbirds and allies) Columbimorphae.

contains Columbimorphae (pigeons, mesites, and sandgrouse) and Otidimorphae (bustards, cuckoos, and turacos) discovered by genomic analysis by Prum et al.

A study of the morphometrics of MacQueen's bustards from Pakistan based on about 79 individuals of known sex showed that the.

Among bustards, this species is smaller only than the Kori bustard and the great bustard.

These bustards are found mainly in northwestern and central India during the summer but.

Immature bustards resemble females.

As in all bustards, the male Arabian bustard is much larger than the female.

"The bustards and their conservation.

(IBA) because it supports a significant population of vulnerable great bustards.

During extreme concentrations of rainfall, as many as 230 Ludwig's bustards have been seen at once feeding on locusts.

Otidae is a clade that includes the superorders Otidimorphae (bustards, turacos, and cuckoos) and Cypselomorphae (nightbirds, swifts, and hummingbirds).

white-fronted geese, whooper swans, black-faced spoonbills, Chinese egrets, great bustards, white-naped cranes, hooded cranes and red-crowned cranes.

geese, Oriental storks, black-faced spoonbills, Chinese egrets, great bustards, hooded cranes, red-crowned cranes, Far Eastern curlews, Nordmann's greenshanks.

Bustard Sanctuary reportedly has three species of the bustards namely, the great Indian bustards (endangered) (local name: ghorad), the lesser floricans.

Many animals such as western grey kangaroos, emus, bustards and wedgetail eagles also inhabit the area.

Populations of both these bustards have been greatly reduced by hunting, falconry and human-induced habitat.


Choriotis australis; Otis tarda; family Otididae; wader; great bustard; wading bird; Otididae; plain turkey;

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