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calendric Meaning in Bengali

সংক্রান্ত বা চারিত্রিক বা ক্যালেন্ডার অথবা সময় পরিমাপ ব্যবহৃত

calendric's Usage Examples:

The Haabʼ (Mayan pronunciation: [haːɓ]) is part of the Maya calendric system.

the year 3000 List of future astronomical events, for astronomical or calendric events List of stories set in a future now past Foundation series timeline.

re-evaluation of his theories and works, his publications, particularly on calendric inscriptions, are still cited.

each year in sequence which is used to indicate the dates of all the calendric new moons for each year in a 19-year Metonic cycle.

entitled Meleket ha-Ḳebi'ah, and compiled, under the title Nofet Ẓufim, calendric tables.

state celebrated a New Fire ceremony that marked the beginning of the calendric count of the Aztecs.

speaker of the K'iche' language and a practitioner of traditional Maya calendric divination, he served as a consultant for several anthropological studies.

These contain both calendric and astronomical content.

Aztec manuscript painting is crucial for the understanding of Mexica calendric constructions, deities, and ritual actions.

Sahl was especially interested in calendric questions, and in one of his writings reviews the whole controversy between.

appear to be calendric glyphs, such as at San José Mogote and in the Olmec Gulf Coast region.

However, either the dating method or the calendric nature of.

and Mesoamerica, on the other hand, writing may have evolved through calendric and political necessities for recording historical and environmental events.

Chantico was also known by her calendric name, Chicunaui itzcuintli (Nine Dog).

a pantheon (featuring Tezcatlipoca, Tlaloc and Quetzalcoatl), and the calendric system of a xiuhpohualli of 365 days intercalated with a tonalpohualli.

uses: Wo' or Uo, one of the 18 months of the Haab', a part of the Maya calendric system Walk over, a term in sports and elections Wine of Origin, a designated.

(kinship) Sip or Zip, one of the 18 months of the Haab', a part of the Maya calendric system SIP Grenade, self igniting phosphorus Soviet Interview Project.

Some signs can be recognized as calendric information but the script as such remains undeciphered.

The Hindus developed a system of calendrics that encapsulates vast periods of time.

calendric's Meaning':

relating to or characteristic of or used in a calendar or time measurement

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