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called Meaning in Bengali

 নামক, অভিহিত, নাম ধরা, আখ্যাত, আহূত, নিমন্ত্রিত,


টেলিফোন-যোগে কথাবার্তা, বোল, দোহাই, উপলক্ষ, পরামর্শাদির জন্য ডাক, সাক্ষাৎ, তলব, দাবি, আমন্ত্রণ, নিমন্ত্রণ, চিত্কার, চীত্কার, ডাক, আবাহন, আহ্বান, কল,


দোহাই পাড়া, বোধ করা, প্রার্থনা করা, উচ্চৈ:স্বরে পাঠ করা, বিষয়ীভূত করা, বাধ্য করা, দাবি করা, পরামর্শাদির জন্য ডাকা, কর্ম গ্রহণার্থ করা, জ্ঞান করা, সাক্ষাৎ করিতে যাত্তয়া, যাইয়া সাক্ষাৎ করা, জাগান, আহ্বান করা, কূজন করা, চিত্কার করা, চীত্কার করা, নিজস্ব ধ্বনি উচ্চারণ করা, শব্দ করা, ডাকিয়া আনা, ডাক দেত্তয়া, অভিহিত করা, নাম ধরিয়া ডাকা, নাম দেত্তয়া, নাম করা, আবাহন করা, আসিতে বলা, ডাকা,

called's Usage Examples:

organisms produce larger gametes (ova, often called egg cells).

Organisms that produce both types of gametes are called hermaphrodites.

The scientific study of language is called linguistics.

known as polynucleotides as they are composed of simpler monomeric units called nucleotides.

The variety of host cells that a virus can infect is called its "host range".

Each single flower in a head is called a floret.

specifically for music, or for which music is specifically created, are called lyrics.

A film, also called a movie, motion picture or moving picture, is a work of visual art used to simulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions.

This procedure is called product recall.

the brain are called motor nerves or efferent nerves, while those nerves that transmit information from the body to the CNS are called sensory nerves.

Aristotle's Physics is called a book.

In an unrestricted sense, a book is the compositional whole of which such sections, whether called books or chapters.

ceiling and resting against the penetrating partner, this is sometimes called the butterfly position.

separate bands, and the electromagnetic waves within each frequency band are called by different names; beginning at the low frequency (long wavelength) end.

Bereshit, meaning "In [the] beginning [of]"; in the Greek Septuagint it was called Genesis, from the phrase "the generations of heaven and earth".

This event has been called the Dispersion of the Apostles.

usage, the term "fruit" also includes many structures that are not commonly called "fruits", such as nuts, bean pods, corn kernels, tomatoes, and wheat grains.

by proteins called reaction centers that contain green chlorophyll pigments.

In plants, these proteins are held inside organelles called chloroplasts.

bacteria, called vibrio, are shaped like slightly curved rods or comma-shaped; others can be spiral-shaped, called spirilla, or tightly coiled, called spirochaetes.

Some species of animals generate their own light, a process called bioluminescence.

company, which is called the parent company or holding company.

Two subsidiaries that belong to the same parent company are called sister companies.


supposed; alleged; questionable;


undeclared; undeniable; incontestable; unquestionable;

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