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calumniators Meaning in Bengali


নিন্দাকারী, মিথ্যা অপবাদী,

calumniators শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

২০১০ 28 জানুয়ারী বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের পাঁচ নিন্দাকারী খুনির ফাঁসি ।

মার্লো তার কোম্পানির লোকদের অলস নিন্দাকারী তীর্থ যাত্রী, হিংসা এবং পরশ্রীকাতরতায় পূর্ণ হিসেবে বর্ণনা করেন, যারা ।

calumniators's Usage Examples:

Robespierre spoke of the existence of internal enemies, conspirators, and calumniators, within the Convention and the governing Committees.

It was believed to cause the death of his calumniators in quick succession, as well as catastrophes (especially lightning damage).

also, an analyzation of the public character and conduct of several calumniators and political apostates (1814) The breast-plate : or, a review of certain.

the Aurora, repelled by positive proof and plain truth, and his base calumniators put to shame.

Those who accused Moses and Aaron of imposture were destroyed 39 Noah's calumniators drowned 40-42 Adites, Thamúdites, and Sodomites destroyed for infidelity.

James I of Aragon, paid Solomon back in his own coin; for several of the calumniators in his party had their tongues cut out.

One of these relates how, when calumniators accused her of scandalous conduct, her innocence was signally vindicated.

that he was representative of a joint school together with Wagner were calumniators.

in defense of the glory of the French armies, and to confound their calumniators and apostates.

summoned his clergy, pronounced excommunication on Cyrus and Eulogius as calumniators, and threatened the same treatment to all who participated in their proceedings.

that Athanasius had been acquitted at Serdica, and his enemies proved calumniators (see: "calumny") and impostors, and that it was unjust to condemn a person.

books, and by her writings she is elevated far beyond the reach of her calumniators.

when the Provincial Council complained, Campbell "denounced them as calumniators and prepared to sue the Superintendent and executive on an extraordinary.

address read during the session of September 27, 1793) that « the infamous calumniators of these deputies should be delivered to the Revolutionary Tribunal ».

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