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cardoon Meaning in Bengali

কষ্টকর পাতা রক্তবর্ণ ফুল থাকার দক্ষিণ ইউরোপীয় উদ্ভিদ তার ভোজ্য leafstalks এবং শিকড় জন্য চাষ

cardoon's Usage Examples:

The cardoon, Cynara cardunculus, also called the artichoke thistle, is a thistle in the sunflower family.

and ‘flor’ from the fact that juice from the flowerheads of a species of cardoon and globe artichoke are used to curdle the milk.

better known species in this genus include: Cynara cardunculus is the cardoon, artichoke thistle, or wild artichoke.

Another variety of the same species is the cardoon, a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean region.

centuries, but because of its similarity to beets and vegetables such as cardoon, the common names that cooks and cultures have used for chard may be confusing;.

The milk is curdled using a coagulant found in the pistils of the cardoon, a wild thistle.

Artichoke oil is extracted from the seeds of the Cynara cardunculus (cardoon).

called wild thistle, is a species of flowering plant in the artichoke and cardoon genus Cynara native to the Canary Islands, Morocco, Algeria, Portugal,.

The pure sheep milk is curdled using a coagulant found in the pistils of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus).

Vegetables like cardoon and borage were traditionally widely used in soups.

pampas while traveling around the world, refers to Cynara cardunculus as cardoon, differentiating it from the great thistle, which scientific designation.

used for flavouring may include any of the following: gentian, angelica, cardoon, cinchona (china), lemon balm (melissa), lemon verbena (cedrina), juniper.

field thistle and others Cnicus – blessed thistle Cynara – artichoke, cardoon Echinops – globe thistle Notobasis – Syrian thistle Onopordum – cotton.

olives, sweet varieties of onion, and unusual vegetables such as borage and cardoon.

In some cases, green bean, Chard or cardoon are also added.

Procardosin A, the zymogenic form of Cardosin A (the major AP found in cardoon), the PSI is first removed before activation of the mature enzyme occurs.

In Piedmont, cardoon (edible thistle) is often dipped in the sauce.

cardoon's Meaning':

southern European plant having spiny leaves and purple flowers cultivated for its edible leafstalks and roots

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