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carminatives Meaning in Bengali

 বায়ুরোগহর ঔষধ,

ঔষধ যে খাদ্যনালী গ্যাস গঠনের বাধা দেয় বা তার পাসিং হওয়া সত্ত্বেও


বায়ুরোগহর ঔষধ,



carminatives's Usage Examples:

theory that carminatives "dilute and relax the gross humours from whence the wind arises, combing them out like the knots in wool".

The essential oils of several species are used as flavorings and carminatives; however, the oils of I.

my stomach swelled, and could not be brought down again by anise or carminatives, I was soon in a state of great depression and distress.

Fennel, cinnamon and ginger are all carminatives, which help relieve gas in the intestines.

therefore contained quinine in addition to various purgatives, aromatics and carminatives.

1940s, the ingredients included various purgatives, cholagogues, and carminatives, including aloin (aloe), Podophyllum, cascara, scammony, jalap, colocynth.

species called Turkey ‘navruz’ or ‘su¨sen’ have been applied as diuretics, carminatives and laxatives.

carminatives's Meaning':

medication that prevents the formation of gas in the alimentary tract or eases its passing


healthful; flatus-relieving;


unhealthful; over-the-counter drug; prescription medicine;

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