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catchline Meaning in Bengali


মনোহর, চিত্তহারী, মুগ্ধকর, চিত্তাকর্ষক, সংক্রামক, আকর্ষণীয়,

catchline শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ছয় সদস্য করে স্কাউট দলকে আবার ভাগ করা হয় যারা বিভিন্ন চিত্তাকর্ষক এবং অনাভ্যন্তরীন কর্মকাণ্ডে অংশ নেয় ।

দেবালয়গুলি পশ্চিমবঙ্গের দেবালয়ের মধ্যে প্রাচীনতা ও আকার-গড়নের দিক থেকে বিশেষ আকর্ষণীয়

অনাক্রম্যতন্ত্রকে বহিরাগত ভাইরাস বা পরজীবীর বিভিন্ন এজেন্ট (যাদেরকে রোগ সংক্রামক জীবাণু বা ইংরেজিতে প্যাথোজেন নামে ডাকা হয়) জীবদেহের নিজস্ব পরজীবী থেকে ।

শহীদি মসজিদের ইতিহাস খুব পুরনো না হলেও এটি অত্যন্ত আকর্ষণীয়

catchline's Usage Examples:

Its catchline is "Trusted Since 1906" in italic.

pandemics) became known to the public, a song relating to the events (with the catchline "Your pain is better than mine") debuted on the first place of the Lista.

Platypi are common in the Boree Creek, giving Cudal the catchline 'home of the platypus' on signs entering the town.

papyrus rolls and manuscripts, a reclamans (plural: reclamantes) is a catchline included at the end of a section of text showing the first line or sentence.

Its catchline is "Y a pas que la vraie vie dans la vie !" (There's not only real life.

The song became viral on the video sharing platform TikTok due to its catchline: "Did I really just forget that melody?" To promote the release of the.

His best known catchline was "fikir-fikirkan" (think about it).

moved to television, showcasing the talents of young people, with the catchline: "Truly, the discoveries of today are the stars of tomorrow".

photos in national newspapers, Cadbury's began using the photo with the catchline 'Nothing fills a hole like a Double Decker', in reference to the company's.

Witkowski Ralph Thomas as Captain O'Brien Joan Lougee as Betty Lyon The catchline: "The blazing adventure of the men and planes who rocket to the very edge.

as Rosalinda "Yaya" Lucero (a pun on Angelina's famous catchline "Whatever yaya, you're 'such a loser!'"), Sean Philip, Duchess of Wellington.

had provided for the right of appeal, struck "appeal" from the section catchline, and reorganized the remaining text: § 1257.

Boxoffice also gave theater owners "catchlines" or promotional phrases to use on their marquees and to send to newspapers.

" His catchline is: "Kill?! No, no, we mustn't kill".

newspaper called Daily Express, each of them facing rumored page-one catchlines such as alleged bisexuality, incest, and physical aggression.

Alexander on tours of the US and Canada, often using the same “Man Who Knows” catchline in his promotional advertising.

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