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censoriousness Meaning in Bengali

censoriousness's Usage Examples:

be found in the word ὑποκριτά, hypokrita, applied to one who by his censoriousness claims to be saintly, yet in reality is a greater sinner than those.

) The moral lesson is to avoid hypocrisy, self-righteousness, and censoriousness.

He was also severely blamed in antiquity for his censoriousness, and throughout his fragments no feature is more striking than this.

Williams, Linda Ruth (2002), "Sex and censoriousness: pornography and censorship in Britain", in Briggs, Adam; Cobley, Paul.

and also the beauty of the human minds, against Jorge's dogmatism, censoriousness, and pursuit of keeping, no matter the cost, the secrets of the library.

any individual member thereof, gambling, [or] habitually engaging in censoriousness and faultfinding.

The Turks resented British censoriousness over the alleged Armenian massacres of 1919, and the fate of the Kurds.

famine into other lands: it leaves to virtue nothing but the spirit of censoriousness, and a narrow, jealous, inquisitorial watchfulness over the actions.

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