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cercariae Meaning in Bengali

বেঙাচি আকৃতির একটি trematode কীট এর পরজীবী লার্ভা; লেঙ্গুড় প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক পর্যায়ে disappears

cercariae's Usage Examples:

rediae, either of which may give rise to free-swimming, motile cercariae larvae.

The cercariae then could either infect a vertebrate host or a second intermediate.

People repeatedly exposed to cercariae develop heavier symptoms with faster onset.

Cercariae can also indirectly infect the fish, if the fish eat the cercariae orally.

Metacercariae: The cercariae lose their tails in.

and rediae, with the latter giving rise to many cercariae, which emerge from the snail.

The cercariae invade the second intermediate host, a crustacean.

sporocyst in which secondary sporocysts are formed and give rise to cercariae later on.


One mother sporocyst produces half a million cercariae.

After a month, the sporocysts rupture and cercariae are liberated.

Free cercariae penetrate.

The sporocysts then mature into cercariae inside the snail host and are ready to leave.

The cercariae are free-swimming in the surrounding water.

A cercaria (plural cercariae) is the larval form of the parasite Trematode.


Free-swimming cercariae leave the snail host and move through the aquatic or marine.

It was first described in 1956 by Martin, who had found cercariae (a larval stage of a fluke) released by the snail Cerithidea californica.

One snail can produce up to 7,000 cercariae in one day.

The cercariae usually infect some hairy host (low host specificity) in.

a second free-swimming stage called cercariae.

The key identifying characteristic of Ribeiroia ondatrae cercariae is the bifurcated esophagus (although.

sporocysts, then rediae, and finally emerge from the snail as cercariae.

The cercariae then penetrate the skin or go under the scale of a fresh or brackish.

females, require a nutrient source in order to properly develop from cercariae to adults.

several asexual reproduction and the larvae eventually become cercariae.

The cercariae form exits the snail and is free swimming in water, in search for.

undergoes several developmental stages (sporocysts, rediae, and cercariae).

The cercariae are released from the snail and encyst as metacercariae on aquatic.

and evolve into cercariae.

The cercariae are excreted from the snail and become free-living organisms in bodies of freshwater.

fruit oil of this plant is used to deter skin penetration by Schistosome cercariae.

replicates many times, producing a stream of swimming larvae call cercariae.

The cercariae then go in the water to infect a variety of different fish.

the miracidia develop into sporocysts, then to rediae, then to cercariae.

The cercariae are released from the snail to form metacercariae and the life.

cercariae's Meaning':

tadpole-shaped parasitic larva of a trematode worm; tail disappears in adult stage

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