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cervical smear Meaning in Bengali


সার্ভিকাল মলা,

cervical smear's Usage Examples:

Papanicolaou test (abbreviated as Pap test, also known as Pap smear (AE), cervical smear (BE), cervical screening (BE), or smear test (BE)) is a method of cervical.

was editor of The Northern Echo in the 1960s and argued the case for cervical smear tests for women.

any pathology A smear test usually refers to a pap test, that is, a cervical smear Smear (card game) Smear Lake, a lake in Wisconsin Smear campaign, or.

Fairchild's skin and hair did not match her children's, the DNA from a cervical smear test did match.

rib Phrases that involve the uterine cervix include cervical cancer cervical smear or Pap smear This disambiguation page lists articles associated with.

books: 1988: Cervical Smear Test 1989: The Breast Book 1991: Hormonal Contraception 1994: Contraception 1995: A woman’s guide to the cervical smear test 1996:.

Play media Classically, with a cervical smear, infected women may have a transparent "halo" around their superficial.

"Supreme Court: HSE and labs' appeal dismissed in Ruth Morrissey cervical smear case".

"Abnormal cervical smear in hereditary mucoepithelial dysplasia: a case report".

the series ran a story about the importance of women having regular cervical smear tests and checking their breasts for lumps, the junior health minister.

smears, which led some to refer to Colțea Hospital as the "birthplace of cervical smear".

(1883–1962), Greek-American cytopathologist ' developer of the Papanicolaou cervical smear (see Pap smear) Artur Pappenheim (1870–1916), German physician, developer.

number of US based labs linked to inaccuracies of over 200 women's cervical smear tests for CervicalCheck, Ireland's national screening programme.

One of her key roles was to improve cervical smear testing, which she achieved in a move to get new better smear tests.

"Cross sectional study of conventional cervical smear, monolayer cytology, and human papillomavirus DNA testing for cervical.

While at the Darlington title, he successfully campaigned for cervical smear tests to become more readily available and a pardon for Timothy Evans.

In 2002 (shortly before her Big Brother 3 appearance) a cervical smear test revealed abnormal cells, a possible indicator of cancer.

cervical screening, using methods including a Pap smear (also called a cervical smear), in which epithelial cells are scraped from the surface of the cervix.

"'Owl's eye' cells in a cervical smear of a transplant recipient: Don't forget to inform the referring physician".


Pap test; smear test; Pap smear; Papanicolaou test; smear; cytosmear; Papanicolaou smear; cytologic smear;


clean; uncover;

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