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chaffed Meaning in Bengali

 বিদ্রূপ করা,

chaffed's Usage Examples:

Cosimo I however chaffed under the watch of the Spanish troops, and in 1543, in return for a monetary.

compactum erinaceum was a bearded, hairy rachis, red-chaffed wheat named for its appearance similar to that of a hedgehog.

The Times reported in 1936 that "he was so chaffed .

called him "The Mad Hatter," and surely his friends, or enemies, must have chaffed him about it.

Lieutenant Edward Heyl and other earlier leaders, and the newer recruits chaffed under that style of leadership.

Some Airmen chaffed under these "Combat" Programs while others saw merit and value in the renewed.

needs to be grown, cut, stooked (shocked, bundled), hauled, threshed, de-chaffed, straw baled, and then the grain hauled to a grain elevator.

Many fodder crops are conserved as hay, chaffed, or pulped.

In the silo the pressure of the material, when chaffed, excludes air from all but the top layer; in the case of the stack extra.

Edmund Evans recalled how: George Routledge "chaffed" me considerably for printing 20,000 first edition of a book to sell at.

Some of the other kings of the Chinese states chaffed at the restoration of imperial rule.

that a ruptured hydraulic oil hose was Jerry-rigged in a position that chaffed against the turbine's hot engine.

eventually accepted the role due to the popularity of White's novel, but she chaffed under Edwin S.

Condé invited the commander of Turenne's rearguard to supper, chaffed him unmercifully for allowing the prince's men to surprise him in the morning.

The Laval chapter, which had often chaffed at and had broken Buteau's rules about not using drugs, swung out of control.

The Red Cross Board of Directors hired her as a “change agent” but chaffed at her steely managerial style and the board's “loss of control over day-to-day.

eastern Sumatra, where he united various merchants and mercenaries who chaffed at the control that Johor exercised over their commerce.

He was satirised by the authors of the Rolliad (1795), and was chaffed in the House of Commons by Fox (13 March 1784) and Edmund Burke (28 February.

According to the Book of Sui, the Kyrgyz chaffed at the domination of the First Turkic Khaganate.

erinaceum, also called California Club Wheat, was a bearded, hairy rachis, red-chaffed subspecies of T.


rag; razz; josh; bait; jolly; taunt; rally; banter; ride; kid; twit; tantalise; cod; tease; tantalize;


discontinue; stay in place; walk; male offspring; parent;

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