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chamberpot Meaning in Bengali


শয়নকক্ষে ব্যবহার্য মূত্রধানী,

chamberpot's Usage Examples:

that one should look into a chamberpot before using it.

Philippine mythology recounts that giving newlyweds a chamberpot assures them of prosperity.

The external structure contained a pewter or earthenware chamberpot to receive the user's excrement and urine when they sat on it; this was.

It is a 1931 comedy about a supposedly unbreakable chamberpot and a constipated baby.

bed adjacent to the playbill, which is slipping perilously close to the chamberpot.

have flush toilets or indeed any form of indoor sanitation beyond the chamberpot.

Instead of a chamberpot, Xanthippe douses her husband with cold water from a hydria.

Mitre entertaining the Archdeacon of St Albans plus sixpence for a new chamberpot.

Richard Ellmann reports (from a 1949 conversation with Eva Joyce) that the chamberpot connotation has its origin in a visit he made, accompanied by Oliver Gogarty.

Arkansas fire extinguisher A chamberpot.

Comanches – black bear Cheyenne – bobcat Navajo – pronghorn Bedwetters – chamberpot All of the Bedwetters refer to one another by last names, including the.


thunder mug; potty; receptacle;


sober; unloving; in-basket; out-basket;

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