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chastened Meaning in Bengali

 মার্জিত করা, সংযত করা, শোধন করা,


শোধন করা, সংযত করা, মার্জিত করা,

chastened শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

যদি বস্তুটিকে সংযত করা হয় বা যদি সেটি শক্ত তলে ডুবে থাকে তবে এমনটা হতে পারে ।

বিভিন্ন দিক এবং মাত্রা, নীতিশাস্ত্র, নৈতিকতা, এবং ধর্মতত্ত্ব নীতি দ্বারা সংযত করা হয়েছে ।

আর যতই মনকে সংযত করা হয়, তার শক্তি তত বাড়ে ।

chastened's Usage Examples:

true; As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed; As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making.

Leblanc, an early critic of the excesses of the Rococo and an advocate of a chastened simplicity in the arts of design.

voice of his Father, or the voice of his Mother, and that when they have chastened him will not harken unto them: then shall his Father and Mother being.

Grammophon and played at the Delphi Filmpalast in Berlin, but in 1942 he was chastened by the Sicherheitsdienst for playing degenerate music.

often see the wicked enjoy much comfort and worldly ease, and the Godly chastened them every morning; but this is a dreadful rest to the former and a blessed.

Somewhat chastened, Ernst Denhof returned to the relative obscurity of teaching music in.

a 16-year-old boy who learns about life through unruly girlfriend and chastened buddy.

Muhammad was said to have stated that "There will be no peace until they are chastened, for they are always plotting against the cause of Islam.

Her chastened husband returns home.

Mowgli is chastened, but soon afterward is abducted by the Bandar-log through the treetops.

remembers and goes abroad, at six months, a well-mannered little beast with a chastened appetite.

Its plot follows a chastened Henry Frankenstein as he attempts to abandon his plans to create life.

French officer, was at first exhilarated, a fighting man at last, and then chastened by a shrapnel wound.

Trelawney is chastened by the revelation that the men Silver gathered are Flint's old crew, plotting.

" The Boston Globe said, "Crossing the River bears eloquently chastened testimony to the shattering of black lives.

I am chastened and will never use 'hot tub' and 'Marin county' in the same sentence again.

The goods were returned and the High Sheriff of Yorkshire chastened.


temper; alter; modify; change; moderate;


incorrect; incorrectness; wrong; unbalance; blur;

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