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cheapen Meaning in Bengali

 দর কমানো , সন্তা করা বা সস্তা হওয়া


দর কমান, সুলভ করা,

cheapen শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

গেমটির বিশেষ সংস্করণগুলোকে সুলভ করা হয়; "ডিজিটাল ডিলাক্স" সংস্করণে রয়েছে দ্য সিটি দ্যাট নেভার স্লিপ্স-এর ।

জুলাইতে এই সিদ্ধান্ত হয় যে এভনডেইলের ৬ টি লট বেভারলির ‎চাকুরিজীবিদের জন্য সুলভ করা হবে এবং খামার বাড়ির আশে পাশের ১,৭৪০ একর (৭.০ বর্গ কিমি) ভূমি বিভাগের নিয়ন্ত্রণে ।

বিভিন্ন সেবা সহজে, দ্রুত, দক্ষভাবে, কম খরচে ও স্বচ্ছভাবে নাগরিকদের কাছে সুলভ করা যায় ।

cheapen's Usage Examples:

as bird food and is generally mixed with rapeseed and other seeds that cheapen it.

Edison concluded that this discovery had the potential to cheapen telegraphic communication and to allow transatlantic cables to be laid.

to completion, project cost management has an objective to simplify and cheapen the project experience.

backglass), but this was changed to the Williams-styled one in order to cheapen the production process for both product lines.

extreme enough to qualify as "lynching", stating that "this bill would cheapen the meaning of lynching by defining it so broadly as to include a minor.

Despite efforts to cheapen the design by Armstrong Whitworth, culminating in the HS.

requires limiting the kinds of technological power that would lessen, cheapen, or ultimately destroy us.

fur; were our common silicate glass gone, we could probably perfect and cheapen some other of the transparent solids; but even if the earth could be made.

Exposures are oversimplified to the degree that they cheapen the art.

in and reprimanded the twins, commanding that they were never to again cheapen their relationship by saying they were "step" brothers.

Fienberg of HitFix said in his review that Love Child never attempts to cheapen the tragedy of Sarang's death, but like "Web Junkie," it wants to lay out.

poet goes on to explain that his silence is simply him not wanting to cheapen his praise by making it common.

The increase in railways also helped cheapen grain (which also aided Russian farmers).

transnational industries, One of the objectives of Martial Law was to cheapen labor costs, in order to attract transnational corporations to export labor.

it is still regularly employed by major companies in the Philippines to cheapen labor fees.

point of "Faget" on Korn – and the homosexual slams in "All in the Family" cheapen, at least for those five minutes, the power and integrity of an album otherwise.

wrote in a letter to The Times in 1996, "It is a pity that [Ryan] chose to cheapen his own achievement and the reputations of the regiment and of comrades.

Seberg with a subsidiary objective to "cause her embarrassment and serve to cheapen her image with the public", while taking the "usual precautions to avoid.

because she looked too much like "a lady", was resolved with the decision to cheapen her look with a bleached blond wig and "vulgar clothes.

practice (although garnering the league more playoff revenue) seemed to cheapen the results of the regular season.


aggravate; worsen; exasperate; devaluate; devalue; degrade; exacerbate;


increase; appreciate; humanize; soothe; better;

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