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chelicera Meaning in Bengali

পারেন প্রথম যুগল একজন মাকড়সা মুখ কাছাকাছি অ্যাপেনডাজে ফাং মত; প্রায়ই সুদৃঢ় এবং ছিদ্র জন্য পরিবর্তিত

chelicera's Usage Examples:

The jackknife chelicera is subchelate (with fixed finger much reduced or absent) and is composed of two segments.

This type of chelicera occurs exclusively.

Isolated fossil remains of a large chelicera (frontal appendage) suggests that the largest known species, P.

Based on the isolated fossil remains of a large chelicera (claw) from the Klerf Formation of Germany, J.

the carapace Chelate: A description of a chelicera where the fang closes against a tooth-like process Chelicera (plural chelicerae): One of two appendages.

The pilus dentilis, a sensory organ on the chelicera, is serrate, which distinguishes it from A.

They all have a serrated keel on the retromargin of each chelicera.

stem group species of pseudoscorpion, though lacking a spinneret on the chelicera.

originally thought to be close to Harmochirus, but the male pedipalp, chelicera, and cephalothorax drawn by Proszynski in 1984, and information gained.

silk-producing spinnerets and the opening of a venom gland on the fang of the chelicera.

males have a characteristic long, forward projecting process on each chelicera that looks like a lance that is bent near the tip.

Male dorsal, showing elongated chelicera Female dorsal "Salticus austinensis Report".

spermatogonia that is manipulated into the female genital opening using their chelicera.

It is in the unident group, with one retromarginal tooth on the chelicera, two on the promargin opposite.

The form of the chelicera within Erettopterus was very variable, but they were generally very long.

one on each chelicera.

In the accompanying photograph of a male solifugid, one flagellum is just visible near the tip of each chelicera.

pedipalps, there are usually three longitudinal lines, the cephalothorax, chelicera, legs, and the bottom of the metasoma.

Males and females have a similar face and chelicera, though that of males is usually lighter brown.

grounds that the shape of the horn on the second segment of the male chelicera (the only diagnostic character of the genus Bactrophalangium) fits well.

chelicera's Meaning':

either of the first pair of fang-like appendages near the mouth of an arachnid; often modified for grasping and piercing


member; appendage; extremity;



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