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choirs Meaning in Bengali




choirs শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

গানের কথা পর্তুগিজ ভাষায় বাংলা অনুবাদ গায়কদল Independência total, Glorioso canto do porvo, Independência total, Hino sagrado de combate. Dinamismo Na ।

cry Long live free Guinea, And let us always remain united.. . . . . . . গায়কদল Siempre, Libre Guinea, Y conservemos siempre la unidad. ¡Gritemos Viva ।

pride of her oppressed people, proved that the truth prevails. . . . . গায়কদল ኤርትራ ኤርትራ፡ ኣብ ዓለም ጨቢጣቶ ግቡእ ክብራ። Ertra, Ertra, Ab alem chebitato gbué kbra ।

জানাই আমাদের কাজেই আমরা বানাব নতুন মানুষ (পূর্ববর্তী দুই লাইন পুনরাবৃত্তি) গায়কদল Angola, avante! Revolução, pelo Poder Popular! Pátria Unida, Liberdade ।

পূর্বসূরী দুর্বলতাহীন তারা উদ্যম, সাহসীকতা , পূর্ণ আনন্দের সঙ্গে সফল হয়েছে গায়কদল Enfants du Bénin, debout! La liberté d'un cri sonore Chante aux premiers ।

Congo free and new Who never did falter, Frighten anyone. . . . . . . গায়কদল Nous avons brisés nos chaines, Nous travaillerons sans peine, Nous sommes ।

সৈনিকদের গর্জন? তারা আমাদের ঘরে এসেছে আমাদের স্ত্রী-সন্তানদের গলা কাটতে! গায়কদল Aux armes, citoyens, Formez vos bataillons, Marchons, marchons ! Qu'un ।

biz yaratdıq ağ günləri - Nəsillərdən nəsillərə yurdumuzun şöhrəti var. গায়কদল Јолумуз Ленин јолудур, партијадыр рәһбәримиз, Коммунизмин ҝүнәшилә нурланаҹаг ।

ফরাসি ভাষায় গানের কথা ইংরেজি অনুবাদ বাংলা অনুবাদ গায়কদল Uni dans la Concorde et la fraternité Éveille-toi Gabon, une aurore se lève, Encourage l'ardeur ।

গানের কথা আরবি ভাষায় আরবি উচ্চারণ ইংরেজি অনুবাদ বাংলা অনুবাদ গায়কদল بلادي بلادي بلادي لكِ حبي و فؤادي بلادي بلادي بلادي لك حبي و فؤادي Bilādī, bilādī ।

গায়কদল Ibariki Afrika Ibariki Afrika Tubariki watoto wa Afrika. Bless Africa Bless ।

গায়কদল Viva a pátria gloriosa! Floriu nos céus a bandeira da luta. Avante, contra ।

Mozambique, your name is freedom The Sun of June forever will shine . . . . গায়কদল Moçambique nossa terra gloriosa Pedra a pedra construindo um novo dia Milhões ।

ভাইয়েরা, ইতালি জেগে উঠেছে, . সে তার মাথা বেধেছে, বিজয়ী কোথায়? . . . গায়কদল Stringiamci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte. Siam pronti alla morte, l'Italia ।

গায়কদল Congolais, debout fièrement partout, Proclamons l'union de notre nation ।

sons struggled for you, Nowadays you’ve become the Armenians’ own home. গায়কদল Փառք քեզ, միշտ փառք, Սովետական Հայաստան, Աշխատասեր, ճարտարագործ-շինարար ।

গায়কদল Tsogang, tsogang! banna, tsogang! Emang, basadi, emang, tlhagafalang! Re ।

our hope. Stand up, brothers, here is Africa assembled. . . . . . . . গায়কদল Fibres de mon cœur vert. Épaule contre épaule, mes plus que frères, O Sénégalais ।

গায়কদল Au travail dans l'ordre et la dignité, Dans le respect du droit dans l'unité ।

our courageous people and fertilized its heroic struggle. . . . . . . . গায়কদল Et une seule nuit a rassemblée en elle L'histoire de tout un peuple. Et ।

choirs's Usage Examples:

There is no standard hierarchical organization in Islam that parallels the Christian division into different "choirs" or spheres,.

migrants' new churches became more popular, so did gospel music, gospel choirs, and the general trend toward exclusive use of this music in Black churches.

In addition, some show choirs are formed in organizations outside of school, such as community choirs making use of students from multiple.

Most Lutheran churches are active musically with choirs, handbell choirs, children's choirs, and occasionally change ringing groups that ring bells.

It is one of the best known boys' choirs in the world.

and used by most hymn tunes) can be sung by choruses of mixed genders, by choirs of men and boys, or by four soloists.

The choir was awarded the Music for Youth Senior choirs' award for their outstanding musicianship in Birmingham in July 2009.

The choirs at Brigham Young University (BYU) consist of four auditioned choirs: BYU Singers, BYU Concert Choir, BYU Men's Chorus, and BYU Women's Chorus.

Male voice choirs are commonly found in the United Kingdom, particularly in Wales, Cornwall, and Yorkshire.

The names of male voice choirs sometimes use.

performance of the choral movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony in which choirs in different continents were linked by satellite television transmission.

festive season include competitions for the Christmas Choirs, Cape Malay Choirs and Cape minstrel choirs.

twentieth century choirs have played an important role in the musical history of the Faroes, and some of the best known current choirs are Tarira, Havnarkórið.

In France, the double keyboards were adapted to control different choirs of strings, making a more musically flexible instrument.


chorister; chorus;


desynchronise; pressurise; pressurize;

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