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chronological sequence Meaning in Bengali


কালানুক্রমিক ক্রম,

chronological sequence শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ফিল্মটি লিনিয়ার কালানুক্রমিক ক্রম এ সম্পাদিত হয় না ।

বন্যার ব্যাসল্ট (ট্র্যাপ হিসাবেও পরিচিত) এবং মহাসাগরীয় মালভূমি, কালানুক্রমিক ক্রম দ্বারা সজ্জিত এবং একসাথে বৃহত অগভীর প্রদেশগুলির একটি তালিকা: মাইকেল ।

তিনি যে আদেশটি প্রস্তাব করেছেন তা কালানুক্রমিক ক্রম

বিভিন্ন লেখায় ব্যবহৃত নামগুলি (কালানুক্রমিক ক্রম, সাম্প্রতিকতম প্রথমে): জাপাদনা চিতিলিৎসা — ক্রোয়েশীয় ভাষাবিদ স্তিয়েপান ।

chronological sequence's Usage Examples:

consist of a wide selection of the paintings and sketches, shown in a chronological sequence, supplemented by shots of the locations he lived in, and a number.

out of chronological sequence.

The symphonies in the 1-41 chronological sequence have been.

of the room, displays sculptures, armour, swords and firearms in chronological sequence from the Middle Ages to the 18th century.

"Breaking Glass", which explains the latter's appearance out of chronological sequence here.

In Europe, it has been used frequently to reconstruct the chronological sequence of graves in a cemetery (e.

His appearance in the Iliad is no sort of “first” except for the chronological sequence of literature.

A timeline is a graphical representation of a chronological sequence of events.

It is the second scene in the chronological sequence on the ceiling, depicting the third and fourth day of the Creation.

Some of them are described below in approximate chronological sequence.

and last book of the series to be published, but it is fourth in chronological sequence.

Vasiliev, "it has become possible to a certain extent to restore the chronological sequence of the most important events in the history of Trebizond.

The album’s thirteen tracks, arranged in a backwards-chronological sequence, include the group’s most notable releases between the years 1969.

In addition, he studied the chronological sequence of Slavic loanwords in the Baltic languages.

movie Carmel, based on my mother, Efratia's, letters, there is no chronological sequence of events.

languages evolve, they acquire new basic color terms in a strict chronological sequence; if a basic color term is found in a language, then the colors of.

Homer; elsewhere it is said that he followed Orpheus and Musaeus in chronological sequence and was the first maker of an epic on the Trojan War.

Birth of Art" in the Upper Paleolithic and progressing in a mainly chronological sequence to the contemporary period.

Please do not remove this message until the described events are arranged in an unambiguous forward-chronological sequence.


rain; pelting; succession; chronological succession; temporal order; row; rotation; run; sequence; temporal arrangement; successiveness;


saltwater; supination; pronation; dextrorotation; levorotation;

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