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circumcised Meaning in Bengali

 সুন্নৎ করা, লিঙ্গাগ্রচর্মছেদন করা,


লিঙ্গাগ্রচর্মছেদন করা, সুন্নৎ করা,

circumcised's Usage Examples:

An estimated one-third of males worldwide are circumcised.

with circumcised males.

Females report that their vaginal secretions diminish as intercourse with a circumcised male progresses, and that circumcised males.

circumcision is the percentage of males in a given population who have been circumcised.

grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, circumcised him when he was seven days old.

Many of his early disciples were circumcised to symbolize their inclusion within.

According to Joshua 5:2–9, "all the people that came out" of Egypt were circumcised, but those "born in the wilderness" were not.

and thy seed after thee: every male among you shall be circumcised.

11 And ye shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token.

partially covered by the foreskin in humans, except in those who have been circumcised.

And ye shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token.

by other men and forcibly circumcised.

166 BC) forcibly circumcised the sons of Jewish parents.

men and those who have not been circumcised.

3% of uncircumcised males and 7.

1% of circumcised males.

converts from Pharisaism who demanded that the Gentile converts "must be circumcised and be commanded to observe the Law of Moses", the matter was discussed.

were themselves circumcised; 96% of Muslim men and 89% of Jewish men in the survey said they were circumcised, while 20% of circumcised men belonged to.

The youths being circumcised were required to maintain a stoic expression and not to flinch from the.

were converting to become followers of Jesus were required to become circumcised; the rite of circumcision was considered execrable and repulsive during.

of gay and bisexual men (52% circumcised) found that the rate of HIV infection was not lower among men who were circumcised.

Plants Under Domestication, Charles Darwin also mentioned cases of "born circumcised" babies as "conclusive evidence" for the now-discredited blending inheritance.

infant, a mother who has just given birth, or a boy who has just been circumcised, would therefore assist in preventing infection.

In many cases, boys are circumcised when they reach 13 years old.

However it is not uncommon for some to be circumcised when they are 19 to 26 years.

(mostly circumcised) with the incidence of meatal stenosis in ethnic Danish males (mostly non-circumcised).

The risk of meatal stenosis in circumcised males.


withdraw; take; remove; take away; cut;


uncut; expand;

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